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  1. I misread the source as what transmission was trying to find .torrents from. Thank you
  2. I don't care if its transmission or some other program, if that helps
  3. Pick the exclusives you like more
  4. the location is just /mnt/freenas/media but ill take anywhere on my main volume and dataset. By default it tries to download to my boot drive. I have no idea why
  5. That is horribly inconvenient. I can move the jail folder but I can't get it out of the jail to combine with my other files
  6. I'm trying to get my transmission to download to somewhere that is usable. I don't see the point of downloading directly to an useless hidden jail folder. Any advice?
  7. As many 200mm+ fans as possible for as cheap as possible. edit; any form factor
  8. The question is are you willing to pay to get rid of that static? You won't notice a difference between the audio quality on your motherboard over that. (this is assuming the mixamp isn't a DAC which I dont know anything about)
  9. I'd advise you to steer away from anything with limited working space for your first build. I'm glad I went with a define r4 because it had so much room which made it easier.
  10. Lehcs


    Grado SR 225e Sennheiser HD 558
  11. If you hear static from your current dac/onboard while not listening to anything then upgrade. Otherwise its not worth it 95% of the time.
  12. Depends on the IEMs and Heaphones.