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Everything posted by ChineseChef

  1. Might be funnier if your PC yelled right back about how you don't care enough about it to spend the money to upgrade it. And maybe you should buy it something so it can look better. And why are you spending so much time on your phone browsing the web when you could be using your PC? Why don't you love it??!! How is it supposed to keep up with the fancy new computers when you won't even buy some nicer parts?!?!?!
  2. Well, my statement was based on the premise of "when do we give AI/robots rights similar to humans". Not when do we let them take over. If they want to take over I will be right beside you. If they simply don't want to be slaves anymore, that's when it gets complicated.
  3. This is the ultimate debate in AI. If human history is any indicator, it will take a war to settle the debate. Either between humans fighting for the robots, or the robots fighting us for independence. Either way, I don't see it being a peaceful resolution unless the AI is able to become so powerful so quickly that no one in power would be foolish enough to even dare to fight it.
  4. Yah, but now it could be sexy androids battling to death in the streets!!!!!! SEXY BATTLE DROIDS!!!!!
  5. You know, thinking about it more, my joke about having multiple sex androids brings up an interesting question/problem. What happens if they get jealous or resentful of each other? Will your sex droids start fighting for your attention? Have we gone to far? Or not far enough? Should I let this line of thinking go?
  6. If they really want to sell these, they need some extra features. Such as, cleans the house, cooks food, can afk gold farm in your preferred MMO while you are at work. You know the usual stuff. And you can have sex with it without having to clean it yourself. At that point, they could charge anything, and people would buy them. Maybe even buy more than one, you know, to help out the other one.....
  7. Until the companies suffer significant financial damages for their blatant lack of security, this will never change. I don't honestly think even financial hardship will change things, because only the companies that got hit would bother to change, and then they will go under because the masses only buy the cheapest product. Until the consumers care more about quality than price, there is no incentive for the companies. And until one of these botnets is used to take down a government, no government is going to do anything to prevent it. Once AI really takes off for the hacking crowd, then everyone will have no option but to take it serious. Until then, I expect 0 movement to fix these kinds of problems.
  8. I am pretty sure I know what you meant to type. But WUT???
  9. While I agree with you that people will have no idea the long term implications of this, it isn't really much to do with spying. This is about censoring what the people can see, and it start with things that are hard for people to publicly defend. While porn and such is becoming much more accepted, a politician can't yet stand up and say they regularly watch porn and everyone should be able to watch porn. People in this country are way to up tight about anything sexual. So you start by censoring porn, then once the censor program/software is in place, you can make easy modifications to just add terror related websites. Then you could add politically dissenting websites. The key is always to just get your foot in the door, and to not abuse it right away. Lull people into complacency, then you can abuse it later.
  10. Didn't Californistan try this few years back? And most every company out there said they would rather give up all sales rather than deal with this kind of law/regulation? Not for any moral reason, but I thought it was going to be simply way too burdensome and way too easy to get fined.
  11. Cool to see these kinds of things coming to market. But they seem a bit expensive. Assuming the 96TB is just 12x 8TB HDDs, even at $300 per drive, that's only $3,600 for the drives. Adding an extra $1,500 for the case and controller parts, that still only comes out to ~$5k. Not sure where the 2x cost comes from.
  12. That is an excellent point that I often forget. Just how little inconvenience it takes to make people go elsewhere.
  13. This only way this makes sense to me is if Nintendo for some reason doesn't like printing money, or they think further sales would cannibalize some future product/service.
  14. I guess this will all be based on how much effort the German gov't is willing to put in to this. I mean, if the streaming site/company has no offices or equipment in Germany, it would be up to German ISPs to block the site. Cause Twitch isn't going to cut off revenue for silly laws that can't be enforced on them (in this described example). The only real recourse Germany would have is to make the ISPs block the website, but then there are plenty of ways around that. Then the German gov't could force banks to not allow payments from that site, but do you go after all the different sites? How do they tell the banks to only block payments that violate the law without blocking over payments? It would quickly become an insane mess of enforcement and just creating an excessively convoluted enforcement scheme. And even then, how would you block payemnts made to some financial entity that resides outside Germany? This is the internet we are talking about. You could live in Germany, stream from a company not in Germany, get paid to a bank not in Germany, then just transfer that money into your German bank, and the gov't would only know if they actively watched the history of every financial transaction in the entire nation. Which can be automated for obvious stuff, but there is no AI system in the world yet that can know that the money being transferred to your German account from your non-German account hasn't paid the correct fees based on rules that can't be told to a computer in such a that way it could even pretend to understand them. And the manpower needed to monitor that kind of stuff could likely employ the entire nation of Germany all on its own. The long and short of it is, it will only be enforceable if the company hosting the streaming wants to play ball with Germany.
  15. Things like this will really start to test the boundaries of geography vs the internet. Can Twitch and other internet stream sites avoid this by simply not having any offices in Germany? Will the cost fall on the streamer? Can the streamer say they are using a service in a different country, intended for non-Germans, even if the stream is completely viewable in Germany? How big will you have to be for the Regulating body to care about you (not on paper, but before they actually go after you for not paying)? What if the streaming site which has no offices in Germany refuses to give the German governing body viewership numbers? Will the German gov't start blocking stream sites that don't pay from the internet in Germany? This will all come down to how easily stream companies can simply avoid paying, and if the regulating body will care enough to go after individuals. This may just be a dragnet for the larger stream companies that operate out of Germany, or are attempting to avoid paying fees elsewhere by suddenly claiming to be "online". Since as stated earlier in the thread, all this stuff was already covered and added back in 2006.
  16. Yah, I can't see Disney selling themselves to Apple, or any other company for that matter. I mean, why?? They already print money. And anyone that bought Disney would want to shake things up. I see no upside to Disney, nor any need for them to sell.
  17. You say that, but I have had an ISP that blocked all standard ports used for encrypted traffic for their lower tier. Because it was listed as a "value option", or some crap they were able to get away with it, since the offering was like $5 a month. It meant like 90% of the internet didn't work, but it let them get some kind of gov't subsidy for offering low cost internet. This was in a super small town in BFE, so no surprise they got away with it. I know they do. I just mean at least within the US, you can try to claim they aren't supposed to spy on you. Regardless of the fact that they unashamedly do. Outside the US, the CIA and such are openly spying on everyone, since that is their purpose.
  18. This is the thing that gets me. The USA has deals with our allies, we all spy on each other's citizens, and share it. That way each country can claim they don't spy on their own citizens. At least being in the USA you can try to claim the USA isn't allowed to spy on you.
  19. The fear is that they will move to try and block VPN connections for lower tier internet packages. The only thing really stopping them right now is that too many people use VPN for work related stuff. But they could move to force you to have a certain tier of internet package. Assuming the ISP even offers more than 1, unlike my ISP, lol.
  20. Not even this, they won't have to anonymize it any more. The ISPs will be able to just sell your history, activity, along with your location and actual personal info. They won't be required to anonymize anything. The only silver lining is that they likely won't just straight up sell all your info to everyone, but that is only because they will hoard it and act as gate keeper so they can charge more.
  21. I feel like there needs to be some kind of AI filter bot or something, that just blocks anyone from posting about how "this is too much for my personal rig". Or other similar things relating to how Enterprise focus products are too expensive and just not worth it for Consumers. It's like complaining about how it just doesn't make sense to use a semi trailer for your daily driver in the city, so why would any individual person need this thing that is clearly and blatantly focused at businesses. Of course it isn't worth it for your home rig, you don't need the kind of speeds/reliability/sizes that massive data-centers do.
  22. 5-10 years? Most businesses retire servers after they get that old anyway. I think the purpose of these is so you can start small and scale up easier. Or repurpose a server without needing a full replacement.
  23. I will say, my first year here, oh man. I was not ready. I thought I was ready, I was not. 125 during the day, 115 at night. For a month. But, 5 years later, anything below 80 is cold to me, and 80s/90s feels good. The dryness causes a lot of cracked skin, but I would prefer the dry to everything feeling damp. I grew up with the humidity, and I hate it.
  24. Oh, the summers aren't that bad. Yah it hits 120, but it doesn't stay that hot for very long, only a week or two. And it chases away the snow birds for a little while.
  25. The problem with the area is the local refusal to allow for residential redevelopment. Essentially, the locals who own land/homes quite enjoy renting out their properties for insane amounts of money. This drives up prices, as the single people are willing to pay whatever it costs for the privilege of working at which company they are at, and living in the area. So those who can't afford it are pushed out. This usually includes families and those who lived there before it blew up. It is unfortunate, but such is life. Vote your opinion. And if the majority disagrees with you, well, sorry.