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About Masterade

  • Birthday July 27

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    Florida, USA

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  1. Well, I guess that solves it. I concluded (through discussion) that the laptop I chose was really the only thing that would work for me. Thanks everyone for your input! I'll look around a bit more still. /thread
  2. They look good. Just the GHz amount bothers me. Sorry if I seem too picky, but I would like to have what will benefit me the most in my situation for the money I'm using, ya'know.
  3. So, seeing as the laptop of my choice is not the best. Does anyone have any specific laptops that fit my criteria of 14" max., 5lbs. max., and $700-ish price range? If you don't, that's completely fine. Whatever I just chose to buy is definitely better than my current laptop.
  4. Thanks for the info! I appreciate it very mcuh.
  5. Well, at least it's not the WORST lol. There might be a few but probably skyrockets out of my price range haha I just remembered. The ASUS zenbooks do fit criteria but they definitely exceed my budget.
  6. Kinda stuck here. I don't know really which APU-based laptop I would choose that fits the criteria of 14" max with a max of 5lbs. I browsed around a lot and haven't really found one with a good price.
  7. Hm. I plan on playing Battlefield 3 & 4 (just naming the game that I assume would be most graphic intensive).
  8. Are you sure? I've seen a video of Battlefield 4 being played on it and it looked fine to me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoezWsOVwPg http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834257805 ^ I was looking at this one as well.
  9. Dang, that's a shame. I was under the assumption that all Intel HD Graphics are not very good.
  10. Lurking around, I found that signing up for this forum would be very beneficial in the long run. SOOO... as one of my first few posts, I would like to ask a question concerning the laptop I am purchasing. Orginally, I was browsing for a laptop that is fairly small (14" in. maximum) with a budget $700-ish for school-usage and gaming. It needs to portable otherwise I would be cramming my backpack up with my laptop rather than my textbooks and school work haha. So far, I already made the order for a Lenovo Z40 (i7 version) for $730 (including tax; link here: http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/laptops/lenovo/z-series/z40/?sb=:000001C9:00011E08:#techspecs). It is not expected to be shipped out until July 28th and will arrive on August 4th (estimate). What are your guys' thoughts on it? Do you think it is a laptop that is worth my money for what I am looking for? I strived for it to be more than 2.0GHz as well as a good GPU so I can do secondary things like gaming as well as designing in AutoCAD and such in a small, portable laptop. EDIT: Thanks to whoever relocated the topic for me!
  11. Cracked games feel very unorganized in my opinion. It doesn't have that "pure" feeling (obviously)- haha.
  12. Entering the giveaway with the fact that I love it for it being slim. This is a common reason as to why I love Asus technology as well!