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About Theo'sRig

  • Birthday June 8

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  1. Hey guys, It's been a while since I've been here but I'm happy to come back. So I was browsing the interwebs and somehow started watching random youtube videos, that's what happens when you are bored, I don't know how but I stubled across this old Linus video: Linus old video Now I know it might sound weird to the new subs but I realized that I miss the old setup. Those videos recorded in that kitchen felt different almost as if someone was actually at my house explainig/reviewing a product, it's most likely because I'm nostalgic and I've been following the LTT crew for quite a while, but who knows. I feel like it would be nice if they could go grab a picture of old setup and green-screen it in a new video as an omage to the old times and everyone who was there at the time. I felt like putting this out there, let me know what you guys think. Am I the only one? - Theo
  2. It come up when you have different "person" accounts, it's like an avatar.
  3. Nah dude dont worry, conflicting apps. It's a new install.
  4. BTW, what the fuck am I supposed to do since it's not responding?
  5. Hey guys, I encountered a peculiar error while browsing the YouTubes, enjoy!
  6. The Overkill is yet to come.

    1. Theo'sRig


      Under the form of a liquid cooled dual Xeon build :D

  7. I will probably post some pictures of the finished build. Just fyi it's gonna be a dual Xeon watercooled + Titan X watercooled + Caselabs SMA8 build. The apex of overkillness
  8. You may ask indeed, here is a stripped down list: EK-HD PETG Tube 10/12mm 500mm x2 EK-Supremacy EVO Acetal EK-FC Titan X Acetal EK-FC Titan X Backplate EK-XTOP D5 PWM Acetal EK-RES X3 150 EK-AF Angled 90° G1/4 Black Nickel EK-Extender G1/4 Socket EK-HDC Fitting 12mm G1/4 EK-12mm (1/2") G3/8 High FIow Fitting EK-AF Pass-Through G1/4 EK-Cable Splitter 4-Fan PWM Extended Still missing about 800$ of stuff tho ! Gonna be the overkill build.
  9. Hi guys, I'm doing a pretty big order (+1000$) on the EKWB Shop, does anyone know an offer/discount code? Thank you in advance, Theo
  10. Yeah you're right. I'll see what I can do and what fits me, posting pictures when I'm done. Thank you all for the help, especially you W-L, great guy. Theo
  11. Now I see what you are saying! I totally agree. But since I'd like to have both reservoirs would a valve under the second res limit the flow so that the easier path are the blocks?
  12. Mainly 'cause looks m8 The case has a windows so I would be able to se everything
  13. Don't think so, as soon as the bottom res gets filled and in pressure the liquid would flow to the gpu. Then when that's full and in pressure it fills the top res. I not sure tho, not an engineer yet
  14. This build its more about the good looks than performance, just clarifying. There is one main pipe (that has a t-joint for the CPU on the right) as input an one as output. The gpu is separated because looks and because I would prefer the hot liquid coming from it staying out of the CPUs. Wouldn't the bottom res fill up completely since its lower and then fill up the top one?