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HELLO WORLD. October 8 (P6)

Max Caulfield


Before catching the bus out to meet Chloe I saw Nathan talking to David, which made me nervous. Otherwise I had a nice soundtracked ride to the Two Whales Diner. Talk about going back in time... I haven't seen the diner in five years, but it looks exactly the same. Although now there are way less fishermen and way more dumped food carts than when we were kids. Chloe and I had the best backdrop to play pirate: old ships and a big ocean.


Chloe was late (duh!) so I was happy to be distracted by seeing Joyce again. The diner is like a museum piece, except with customers. Better still, the food hasn't changed at all. Joyce seemed really glad to see me again and she didn't give me a guilt trip for not staying in touch. After William died, she wanted to move forward with a new life and husband. Chloe doesn't want to accept that.


Joyce naturally gave me shit for corrupting Chloe with my "devil weed", though I'm not sure she even believed it was mine. What could I say? I can see she actually loves David—even if I don't see how. The breakfast was so worth the grief though.


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