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HELLO WORLD. October 8 (P5)

Max Caulfield


I ran into Warren—or rather, Warren was waiting to run into me. Naturally he wanted to know what the hell happened in the parking lot with "The Chloe and Nathan Show." Once again, I felt like a dick because I should have gotten ahold of Warren to see if he was okay after we just left him in the lot... I do owe Warren.


I only told him a little about what was going on with Nathan. The less he knows, the better for him. I would love to at least tell him about my ability to fucking reverse time and space, but ironically I don't think it's the right time or space... Besides, he would want to marry me immediately, just so he could have his own human time machine. Or capture me for scientific experiments... Or make me go to the drive-in with him.


Oh wait. He did try and get me to go to the drive-in with him, and I refused. I'm not really in the mood this week, and I also don't want to lead him on...


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