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Where I park my train of thought.

Entries in this blog

Lots of Stuff to Get Off My Chest

Well, simply put, the new year is off to a rather unhappy start. As some of you (or all of you) might know, the great Flight1sim, commonly known as Flighty, has just left the forum. It started off with this message in a PM after he removed his avatar: After that, his entire profile went barebones, and now it looks like the profile of a giveaway account that spammed up LTT. His sudden and unprecedented departure, put simply, has shocked me. Just a few hours before he was all jolly because I



The culmination of 1 year of study...

So as many of you know, tomorrow is my SHSAT exam. This exam is used to determine if I get into one of 8 specialized high schools in the city (though I'm only applying to 2 of them). I have studied over a year for this, and this test has brought to me joy, sorrow, pain, anger, angry parental rants, and LOTS AND LOTS of stress. Someday it will be all worth it. If I pass, good for me. If I fail, it will be quite possibly the end of the world as I know it. I feel prepared enough to walk into this



Giving my iPad to my dad when I get a new laptop

So my dad said that he was getting a new laptop for me, and he also commented that he really liked my iPad. Considering that the iPad was a gift and I hate iOS in every imaginable sense, I am considering giving my iPad to my dad when I get the new laptop. All I ever do on it is watch YouTube and browse the LinusTechTips forum, all of which can be easily run on my new laptop. He did mention an i5 processor in said laptop, which is a huge-ass upgrade over my Celeron M. He did not mention what pa


