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Bash Aliasses (update:changed gio trash to trash-cli)



Some of you might have notice that when you run gio trash inside a bind-mounted folder, it fails with:



theirs seems no fix for this in term s of gio trash, however , trash-cli has no problem doing this, its not as versatile as gio, (only does trashing|restoring|cleaning) but it does trashing really well,




so i changed the aliasses in my bashrc alias file to this command. Here is the updated version of the file:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ############################################################################
# # PATH: /opt/local/config/rc/bash              AUTHOR: Hoefkens.j@gmail.com
# # FILE: 501_aliases.conf
# ############################################################################

# ReSource Bash Running Config (use after config changes)
alias rebash='source ~/.bash_profile'

# ls & exa Shorhands
alias ll='ls -bghAls'
alias llr='ls -bRghAls'
alias trex='exa -T' 
alias llt='exa -laT'
alias lltl='exa -laTL'
# rm 
alias del="rm -rv"
alias delf="rm -rvf"
# trash-cli | ~~Gio Trash~~
alias rm='trash-put -vf -- '
alias rmu='trash-restore -v'
alias rm-list='trash-list'
alias lsrm='trash-list -v'
alias lstrash='trash-list -v'
alias rm-clean='trash-empty -v'
alias rmrm='trash-empty -cd v'

# Cpu Control
alias frqmax='cpupower frequency-set -g performance'
alias frqmin='cpupower frequency-set -g powersave'
alias frqinf='cpupower frequency-info'

# cp copy  & mv move & rename & mkdir
alias cp="cp -vR"
alias copy="gio copy --preserve -bp"
alias mv='mv -v'
alias rename='gio rename'
alias mkdirs="mkdir -vp"

# disk space
alias df='df -h'                                # human-readable sizes
alias free='free -m'                            # show sizes in MB
alias duKB='du -hcsxBk'
alias duMB='du -hcsxBm'
alias duGB='du -hcsxBg'
alias du-s='du -hcs'

# btrfs
alias btr-du='btrfs file du --human-readable -s'
alias btr-f='btrfs file' 						#= btrfs filesystem $
# btrfs subvolume
alias bs-='btrfs subv'                        	#= btrfs subvolume $
alias bs-ls='btrfs subv list'                   #= btrfs subvolume list $
alias bs-dd='btrfs subv snapshot'               #= btrfs subvolume duplicate  $
alias bs-mk='btrfs subv create'                 #= btrfs subvolume create $
alias bs-rm='btrfs subv delete'                 #= btrfs subvolume delete $

alias sctl="systemctl"
alias uctl="systemctl --user"

alias psa="ps auxf"
alias ppsgrep="ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -i -e VSZ -e"

alias bat="bat --plain --pager=never --color=always"




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