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HELLO WORLD. October 8 (P4)

Max Caulfield


Kate admitted that she thinks something more happened to her than just a video. Plus she told me that Nathan Prescott gave her a ride from the party to the ER... and she thinks he did something to her, but she doesn't remember what.


It's hard not to believe Kate considering what kind of person she is and what kind of person Nathan is. I've seen for myself exactly what that fucker is capable of.


Of course, Kate asked if she should go to the police and the principal...


I felt like absolute shit, but I told Kate she shouldn't go to anybody until she has more proof she was drugged. That video doesn't help her case at all and this could all backfire big time. She's going up against the whole Prescott empire, not just one rich white boy on dope. She wasn't too thrilled by my answer. I don't think she trusts me to be the one investigating all this... How can I blame her? I sometimes wonder what I am actually doing, besides getting myself in more trouble... Kate even booted me out of her room. Hello, "Everyday Hero"!


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