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I'm out.

This is it, I'm out. I'm not leaving on April Fools, cause you's would take that as a joke. I am taking an extended break from LTT while I try to make something out of my life and sort out some shit out. I don't know how long it'll take but I think it will take quite some time. >"i go away but we are two of soul" >"i will return" This is my goodbye. LTT, try to stay classy and maybe I'll see you on the other side.




So today I was faced with an ultimatum: My best friend who I can trust my life on (well I my dad more - he's a doctor) or an old friend I was best friends in primary school. My old friend and I were best friends but we lost contact after I left to high school (he's a year younger than me so one grade lower), and we now go to different high schools. My best friend is his step-brother (I didn't know that till my best friend 'reunited' us) and they hate each other. The first and only time us three


