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The avid life of a teenage bird

Entries in this blog

Life as of now. Stand still... or a new door?

It's been a while since I've updated this and I kinda feel bad by not doing so. With this I'll update anything that's happened over the past few weeks. It's been a bit eventful but it seems that what has been happening is kinda changing how I've been seeing my life now. First, tech... As you may of known, I already aquired my GTX 780 Classified and you all know I'm absolutely loving it. Even with the new card I still have my old GT60 for VGA support to my side monitor. Reason behind this is th



Update after a while...

So it's been a while since I last updated the blog and over the course of a week many things have occurred. For one I now know I have indefinently lost my father to the control of my step mother and her tricks. Now he is just completely blind. On the plus side, it seems I have received an extra 100 USD, which comes to total of approx. 450USD.



The GPU Feud

Is it so much of a problem for people when trying to buy computer parts? My last purchase for a part was approximately a year ago and it's already been good. However, now that I'm nearly complete with my build, only one parts remains: THE GPU This thing that I have (GT 610) has been the worst thing I ever thought was a good idea. Now here's when the real problem sets in... Windforce R9 290 for approximately $417 or EVGA 780 Classified for around $550 or $570 Now looking at both cards, My mi



Ideologies which you follow by

There is a quote that I live by that sometimes ca seriously save you in some tough situations: "Sometimes, we must make necessary evils to come to an ultimate good." It means that we must sadly make decisions that we don't wanna take sometimes that will actually benefit us in the future. Some countries, as you can see, kinda live by this in some cases. But not how I follow by it. What do you see in the quote? Do you have anything that you live by?



The sad truth of how money plays with the world

It's sad to say I won't be able to go to California to visit a friend for her birthday. Looks like I'll only b 60 dollars short for her gift, which I won't be able to give personally... On the other side, I'll be back on the market for a GPU. I do kinda feel bad now that I won't be able to use the money to go see her. It's really kinda of a struggle when you have money and don't know what to spend it on since you at are a crossroads. Any one else who has had these situations before>


