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In desk pc build! Completely custom. The story of the build. And all the crazy shit that came along with it. Lol

Entries in this blog

Getting that wood.

Ok so a week or two back I stumbled upon some sweet looking in desk pc's. Now, I really enjoying building both computers and things like desks so I thought why not? I've been meaning to do a new build and haven't been able to get to it, so this is going to be the new project. Finally yesterday I was able to head down to Lowes to pick up the materials. I decided to go with 3/4 inch MDF due to its strength and it's ease of use. I also bought a 18 x 24 piece of acrylic for the window. So now here's



Getting that wood.

Ok so a week or two back I stumbled upon some sweet looking in desk pc's. Now, I really enjoying building both computers and things like desks so I thought why not? I've been meaning to do a new build and haven't been able to get to it, so this is going to be the new project. Finally yesterday I was able to head down to Lowes to pick up the materials. I decided to go with 3/4 inch MDF due to its strength and it's ease of use. I also bought a 18 x 24 piece of acrylic for the window. So now here's


