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About this blog

Join me as I invite you to the wonderful, sad, often drunken, and always entertaining world of Lyft passengers and their amusing and/or depressing stories. Some customers don't like talking at all, and most just have a casual conversation with me, but occasionally they'll open up about their lives, going into great detail about their accomplishments, their failures, or something in between. Other times, the fun stories don't come from the past, but the present, as I fill you in on the crazy, usually drunken things these passengers do in the back seat of my car. Oh, what a wonderful career Lyft is becoming! 


Disclaimer: All guest's names will be changed, as well as any other personal details such as location, age, etc. This little blog series is intended to entertain you, not to embarrass the customers. Additionally, I do not know these people beyond my meeting them during their ride, so I can not confirm all personal stories are accurate; all back seat stories are accurate as they occurred in my car during the ride itself.

Entries in this blog

Volume I

Welcome to the first edition of my Lyft blog series. In this series I will tell you some interesting stories from my Lyft rides. Some of these are personal stories customers tell me while I drive, others are events that occurred in the car itself while I was driving. This volume represents the most interesting stories from my first 100 rides (excluding two special ones I'm saving for a top 10 list later this year).   Before we get started, I'd like to offer a disclaimer: All guest's na


