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  1. Agreed, that said, as someone who used to handle international shipping, I wouldn't expect it to be THAT difficult to handle the logistics of getting boxes out the door. I'm hoping that the cause for delay is to really ensure that they're "bot proof". Being lttstore.com is just a Shopify shop, there's an API that can be fairly easily exploited just like Nvidia's Digital River store was. Unless they're doing something like making you verify steam hours or SOMETHING along those lines, I'm sort of at a loss as to how this is going to work. I saw people theorizing about trivia related to their videos, but I don't think that's likely either. I anticipate some sort of "GO NOW GO GET THEM RIGHT THIS SECOND" type intro to a video and them selling out in about a minute or so if that much.
  2. Has that been confirmed? I thought they said both 3080 and 3090? I also thought they only really said that they would have basically a notification about what you need to do going forward to actually get a card through the program, not that there would be some sort of quiz about what's in the videos, or am missing something?
  3. So, I'm a little late to the party, but I have an ESXi host at home that does file server/media server/dns etc. duty and I'm running out of space on it and am looking to the future for setting up a RAID for this machine and unRAID came to mind. My partner and I have been talking about ascending to the PCMR and then I remembered this video. It's a few years later and both of us game in 4k. I know that there's the advice of using different components for the two virtual machines, but realistically, we're both going to want to be running the best video card possible... is the advice of different components just to make it easier to assign different components to different VMs, or is there actually anything that would require us to use two different video cards?