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  1. Thats what im getting from it like he never turned the pc on when he sold it to her he says that 1 vga port is just for a video card she has integrated graphics she says
  2. My friend has 2 vga ports on her computer. she says the monitor she has wont work on 1 port but will work on the other port for 15 -30 minutes then it stops the monitor. she brought it to a computer guy and he said that the other vga port is for a video card he told her that if she did not turn it off when moving the monitor cable. The computer guy said that she broke it is this real or is he just trying to get some money from her i have never heard of a vha port for a video card
  3. alright will do this is a noob question but do you think that the other fans will blow the same way as the corsairs ill just set em up how i had the corsairs
  4. interesting i will try this and see if it helps the question is will the h80i run if i bypass the was it connects the fans its still plugged in just not to the h80is fan controller
  5. in the above pic with the hand the top one is going to the fans and bottom is a cord that plugs into the cooler the fans that i have cant connect to the cooler so they will just run at full rpm i think bcz i have to plug them directly into my motherboard is that bad? like will it make more noise
  6. no like the other fans wont connect intothe thing from my water cooler the connector is different theres a going out pin on the corsiar fans and a input thing on the other fans
  7. sorry for poor grammar and yea i cant see through it theirs tuns of fins Thats what im talking about btw
  8. ight thx and my fans on my corsiar h80i are really loud can i replace them with the bitfenix fans i have lying around they look like there a lot quieter but the thing is the fans done connect like the corsair ones like theres a cord that comes from the block its plugged into my fan things on motb then on the other end of that theres a connctor for the corsair fans
  9. basically theres a big hole where my dvd druive used to be i took it out for cleaning and i dont wanna put it back in cause i dont use it
  10. Well since im coming from a cracked water damaged iphone4(Got it as a hand me down after my nexus i9 got to old) Im gonna be pretty happy
  11. alright im just gonna get the one thats $400 with tax, alright thanks for ur help man
  12. hmm is that the only reason im planning on rooting it and installing cyanogen so does it matter. Thats also the developer edition damm i had a google nexus the orginal i9 one in developer edition
  13. I wanna buy this http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00K6P95N2?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_act_title_1&smid=A1EVDNNO5GZYAC cause i need a new phone but i need to make sure that i can use it in canada my carrier is virgin mobile. anyone got the answer I got a cookie for you if you do