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  1. Hey guys, I've been having some quality issues with YouTube lately, such as pixelating videos based on a 5 second interval or something... it's really quite strange. Now the source video file was about 2.2GB give or take @ 720p with a bitrate of about 14Mbps (14,000KBps) which is more or less the average bitrate for most Youtube videos, however over the last week specifically with The Witcher 3 (not sure if none of my programs like the game or if it is the game that causes my output videos to look like this). I have tried Bandicam, MSI Afterburner, DXtory and Nvidia Shadowplay to record footage, now it's not the recording that looks bad its the output video from either Sony Vegas Pro or Adobe After Effects that looks horrible at the previous mentioned bitrate... now I can deal with a little bit of quality degradation but what I can't deal with is the pixelation that is going on when my video is uploaded to YouTube. I am aware that YouTube compresses the video further, but this is just beyond acceptable. Any ideas on how to avoid this?? P.S. If I am allowed to show a sample I will...
  2. hi, I recently installed Sony Vegas Pro 13 and i noticed that they still have not fixed the AVI importing issue since vegas pro 9..... anyone have any ideas as to how to fix this
  3. I dont see how thats funny but sure ok then. If you arent going to be remotely helpful please leave
  4. Hi, I downloaded the new 337.50 Nvidia Beta driver but for some reason Shadow Play doesnt want to play nicely and it freezes either my game or my entire system. Seems to do it when Shadow Play is enabled regardless as to if I am recording or not? Not sure why but Shadow Play seems to lock up Hitman Absolution while recording.. (only game i have tested so far) Settings used are as follows: Mode: Manuel Shadow Time: Off Quality: Custom - 720p, Framerate @ 60, bitrate @ 30 Audio: Ingame and Mic My Rig i5 2500K @ 4.5Ghz Kingston 16GB 1600Mhz (oced 1866Mhz) Asus GTX 770 OC Edition (Oced further) Any ideas as to how to fix this issue...
  5. No Nvidia is just to lazy to actually give a full spec improvements list for each card so they go with the newer series *70 or *80 card of the latest series... soo yeah. You would be able to tell instantly for all the gains in Hitman Absolution on my gtx 770 have been nice
  6. I dont want a PSU under 700w due to future wishes
  7. This PC give or take requires around 550w at max load, I am factoring in future plans thats why the psu's are all around 700-850w
  8. Yes it is my PSU, its not my GPU as theres no noise coming from my GPU only my PSU,
  9. Hey, I need to buy a new PSU and would like some help in the selection, which one of the following would be the most reliable PSU for around $180-$250. I currently have a Thermaltake 600w PSU that gives off coil whine when I game without vsync on lol so thats not fun. - Aerocool GT-700SG 700W ($175AUD) - Antec High Current Gamer HCG-850M ($192AUD) - CoolerMaster V850 ($249AUD) - EVGA SuperNOVA NEX 750W ($155AUD) - Corsair RM-850 ($225AUD) Any other suggestions would be awesome to. EDIT: Got the Corsair RM850 Specs CPU: i5 2500K @ 4.5Ghz COOLER: Thermaltake Frio OCK RAM: 16GB 1600Mhz (OCed to 1866Mhz) GPU: Asus GTX 770 Also oced. Was thinking about getting a arctic cooling gpu cooler as well Thanks in advance
  10. Nice, that physics score though hahahaha epic
  11. Hey, I recently oced my GTX 770 like a boss and would like to know what scores you guys get running the default extreme profile on 3DMARK 11. My OC and default scores are attached and also my OC is attached. Although i havnt tested the GPU at this C all that much but it seems to be stable as of right now with a decent heat output. Brett
  12. Hey guys, A friend of mine wants to watercool a GTX 780 but is it possible to water cool a non ref card even if the waterblock says ref board design. If not is there any way to check if said water block will fit and be compatible with a certain non ref board. Answer quick Cheers
  13. Dxtory DX9 game stutter, visual stutter. Is there anyway that i can minimize that stutter. This only occurs while recording on most DX9 games. Games in particular include DARK, Remember Me and some others. My Specs Intel i5 2500K @ 4.5Ghz ASUS GTX 770 OC Edition 8GB DDR3 RAM Any specific settings i could use. I did notice that with vsync off it didnt stutter while recording