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  • CPU
    i7 4770K
  • Motherboard
    Gigabyte Z87X-UD3H
  • RAM
    PNY 4x4GB 1600
  • GPU
    2 x MSi GTX770 2GB/OC
  • Case
    Corsair 330R
  • Storage
    120GB + 2TB (+6TB Ext)
  • PSU
    FSP 750 AURUM
  • Display(s)
    Korean 1440 + 40"
  • Cooling
    Looking for aesthetic cpu cooler, suggestions?
  • Keyboard
    Sidewinder X6
  • Mouse
  • Sound
    Solo 7C + Z623 + Siberia V2 + Philips Fidelio X1 (Xonar DGX)

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  1. Just to remind you guys its not logitech, as mentioned I tried 3 different mice, all different brands of course. Not a virus either, seems to be usb related. Only happens to mice and not my keyboard.
  2. I've had this problem for a long time now. My mouse, a Logitech G500 turns off now and again, for a period of 5 - 10 seconds, then comes back on. Every few minutes... Especially annoying while gaming. First thing I did was reinstall usb drivers etc and mouse drivers... and to no luck I bought a second mouse. Same problem on the new mouse......so i tried a third mouse.... and bought a new motherboard... Same problems on all mice and both motherboards.....bios all fresh and updated, usb host drivers n all reinstalled time after time. Anyone got a magical fix? Or anything else I should try... I've had this problem for about 7 months now, I try a different fix every week or two, but nothing has worked yet.
  3. Trying to get my hands on a zerotherm nirvana or some prolimatechs gear.... Bugger all availability in new Zealand though....
  4. Z623 for a smaller space, 7c's for larger. Although I'm sure most mainstream users would prefer the sound of the logitechs. At the end of the day my logitechs just feel like a set of computer speakers that happen to be beefy, and the microlabs are more than that. Also you are pretty much repeating most the points i am making lol. Of course the 7c's would have a better off-axis response with the large drivers, the abundance of mid tones is responsible for that.
  5. Well the z623s satellites dont produce a room filling sound, and they would sound directional because the speaker size is suitable for a high frequency. They do sound great if you were sitting right infront of them.
  6. I have Z623 - They are ok for general use. Decent bass but such small satellites produce a small directional sound. Recently bought the Microlabs 7C, a large bookshelf speaker at roughly the same price. I love these so much more, the sound is larger and definitely room filling and it really shines in the mids, where most of the sound is. A lot more punch in the beats. The highs arent offensive and the bass is more than adequate. The Z623 can go maybe 20hz lower to shake the room a bit more, but these overall sound much better. They arent however suitable for placing on a desk. They require room for the sound waves to piece together. This is where the logitechs would be better. All being said though, you cant go wrong with either of these sets.
  7. Sorry for two posts in a row but I really wish New Zealand would stock more of these coolers.... its ashame my range is so limited here
  8. lil update Brothers! Also brothers! (the DG was free but slots werent configured for pci, so had to buy DGX) Together for now, Cooler still temporary! Also any other additions/recommendations people?
  9. Well the 330R fits atx so why not haha, dont worry it didnt cost me a dime
  10. I bought an atx mobo so I can put the cards a slot apart and use an audio card
  11. Yah turns out the bottom slot wasnt the full package, so I've changed to the identical atx version of this motherboard - the Z87X-D3H. Also got ahold of an asus xonar to make use of the extra slots.
  12. My cpu's got a fever..... and the only prescription is more vapor chambers.
  13. These were just quick pics, will take proper ones tomorrow possibly. Also this cooler is only temporary. Case is great actually, really quiet, apart from the loose bearing in the cpu fan which I will have to replace tomorrow.
  14. I'm selling the watercooling to a mate and the case Is available if thats what you are asking, pm me.
  15. Hey Guys Went out today and had a look at my options available, was a close decision between the fractal mini, silencio 354 and Corsair 330R - Went for the corsair. Bought a temporary air cooler, 212 evo, which I will use until find a real fancy heatsink. Quick Pics soon