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  1. I am trying to mine neocoins, but when I run my batch file, (cudaminer.exe --url=stratum+tcp://neo.cryptcoins.net:3331 --userpass=ElElmer.o:p) it comes up with the following message. It is running on an nvidia 760. All related files, including cudaminer, the lastest release as of 2/4/14 (U.S. lame date) are in the same folder. My drivers are updated, not to the latest beta, but the latest official release, and I have tried older divers. The card works perfect in games. It seems like cudaminer isnt actually running the batch file, but just typing out what is written in it. I was previously mining dogecoins with the same batch file and the same update of cudaminer, the problems came after a restart and the latest windows 8 update. My cpu is mining fine with a similar batch file, on the same site, just a different worker, at like 60-70kh/s, which i am happy with. However, that probably means something is wrong with my gpu, which i just got 2-3 weeks ago. I will not be able to respond to quiestions if there are any until around 3pm on 3/4/14 PST so hopefully i have provided enough info. Thanks~
  2. Good luck to everybody! Have never built my own pc but have helped others fix/add components to theirs. If I was to build i pc, however, i would look for something powerful yet small, and also something color coordinated. Twitter: @RichardLeNoggin https://twitter.com/RichardLeNoggin/status/373301717212725250