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About MissRiot0721

  • Birthday Dec 07, 1990

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  • Member title
    Junior Member


  • CPU
    Intel i7 4790K
  • Motherboard
    ASUS Z97-A
  • RAM
    16 GB HyperX Fury
  • GPU
    GTX 970 G1 Gaming
  • Case
    Phanteks Enthoo Luxe
  • Operating System
    Windows 10
  1. I would totally take the Razer Blade Stealth, it's perfect for my needs (I draw and render stuff). Thank you LMG and Razer for the giveaway.
  2. I recently got the Audioengine D1 but when I plug it in I get error 43 I would gladly appreciate it if anyone can help me out. I test the DAC out with 3 different computers 2 are custom built pcs and one is a dell laptop. Only the laptop top works however, I though maybe it was due to the OS being that the laptop is on Windows 8.1 but the doesn't seem to be it (I downgraded windows 10 to make sure). I also try different USB cables and plugging the DAC into different USB ports (both USB 2 & USB 3) still getting the same error. My specs are as follow: CPU: Intel i7 4790K, Motherboard: ASUS Z97-A, RAM:16 GB HyperX Fury, GPU: GTX 970 G1 Gaming
  3. If I would to do the first method what tools will I need?
  4. So I had a few idea on how to solve the whole airflow issue on the h440 but I was wondering which one would be a better option and how do I go about doing them. So mod #1 I thought about cutting the panels and either gluing a sheet of metal mesh on or screw it into the panel but I have no idea what tools I'll need to even do this method considering I have to cut through metal and plastic. Mod #2 seems a lot more easy but it might cost more than the case is even worth since I'll need to find a service that will CNC mill the panels. I got the idea of mod #2 from MNPCTECH if they could do this method on Corsair cases don't see why it won't work on h440 right? What do you guys think? I leading toward method #2 and putting magnetic dust inside to keep dust out.
  5. So I took off the top and front panels and it didn't help much. Idk maybe I need better cooling and a new case. Also this is my current temp with the panels off, my room tempt is around 60F: http://puu.sh/hD8Aj/b65f15ac62.png If I need better cooling what should I get? I've seem the Notis 450 and I'm not a fan of the way it looks. If I'm going to swap cases I would go Enthoo Luxe It still the minimal looks I like with better airflow.
  6. So I currently have the h440, of course airflow isn't great but I was wondering if there's a solution to that problem or should I just swap it with an Ethoo Luxe or something ? I have a h100 with AF fans cooling my 4790k but idles temp are around 44C and I'm worry that when summer time comes it's going to get worst since I live on the 3rd floor, my room is the hottest during the summer time. I also heard Noctua fans are a good solution but would that really solve my current issue?
  7. I just realize would I need a DAC or Sound card to get the best quality out of these?
  8. Thank you for the reply guys just order a pair
  9. So I currently have the Cloud 2, I was just wondering if I should upgrade to the 558 since I'm mainly using them for music and no longer use it for gaming (upgrade to external mic).
  10. I forgot to mention that I'm gonna try to overclock the CPU to 4GHz so looking for a mobo that can handle that as well
  11. May I ask why? Seems like everyone is recommending them on various site but I don't know much about them.
  12. So looking to upgrade my computer and I can't decide motherboard I should get for an i5 4690k. My 2 choices are: MSI Z97-G45 or MSI Z97S SLI Krait Edition. The look of the Krait fits my color scheme perfectly but the G45 seems to have better features. I'm also willing to heard other suggestions if the boards are $150 or under.
  13. I hate the shape and it's kinda bigger than I expected since my place isn't that big, space is an issue but really though the shape makes it hard for me to store it in between my desk. I think I'll upgrade certain parts like you guys suggested thank you all
  14. I been wondering this for a while now, I built my PC about 2 years ago and was wondering is it time for me to upgrade? My specs are as follow: CPU: Intel i5 3570k RAM: 8GB Hyper X GPU: GTX 760 PSU: Corsair CX 750 Other: I'm using a stock cooler (I seriously need to get an aftermarket one), 4 HDD varies sizes (I just use whatever I had around at the time) and a Corsair 600T which I regret buying What you guys think time to upgrade or not? Also what's a good indicator that it's time to upgrade?
  15. Congrats Linus and crew! The first video I saw of linus was the AMD vs Intel and it's because of your videos that I fell in love with computers and all things tech. Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys bring in the future.