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  1. Thank you guys for such a warm welcome and fast response ! ~ Nohemi ~ I defiantly see what you mean. However, the PC is on quite a budget so I couldn't go for something lke 80+ Gold or Semi-Modular compatibility. I'm not that worried however because EVGA is a great PSU maker. ~ techguru ~ I see we have quite the same taste. I've had PCs with Core i3s and I feel I'm not getting a lot out of them. However the hyper-threading is nice and I'm not a AMD fanboy so I'll look into it. Thank you for showing me this. As for the RAM, the it seems great, however I am a bit of a speed freak and my friend really wants 16 GB.. really . For the GPU, I've heard mixed things about the R9 280 series, including that it's a bit loud and quite hot. I'll look into it however, and see if it's cool. The missing 1 GB of GDDR5 is a bit of a let -down however not that big of a deal. Fine PSU choice and case choice. Thank you, Annhilation Notes: I see that I've just gotten 16 replies. I'll see how many I can get to before I go to bed. Quite a lot !
  2. Aye! As my first submission on this forum, and as a constant viwer of Linus, I thought I might as well start off good . A few days ago, I made a build design for my friend. They had a $550 max and of course I pushed that budget . Their going to be starting Steam games at 1080p, and maybe some light YouTube. I pretty much know what to do when it comes to PC building however I thought I should check it out with the great forum here just to make sure I didn't do any thing wrong. The XFX R7 370 Double Dissipation is quite a new card as well, so we might push it just a tad bit to get the clock rate up. He wants a decent around 60 fps at most games and he usually won't be maxing them out. ~ Link ~ http://pcpartpicker.com/p/s6xxqs Additional notes: We will also most likely be pushing the CPU so there will not be bottlenecks , and the build will be running Linux. Thank you, Annihilation