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About Pimplickchick

  • Birthday Jun 20, 1981

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Between Brazil and the Netherlands
  • Biography
    I'm a chimera.... Translator, Psychologist, Gamer, Makeup Enthusiast and Techie on my free time.
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  1. Only you guys to make me move to Vessel!! Pimplickchick https://www.vessel.com/videos/aBRl_4ZS6 https://www.vessel.com/videos/JemZ8O7Hy But honestly, how does one make a playlist on that place????
  2. Please, make the after market comparison. Also, include Db output too.
  3. I have the same requirement. Must be wireless. I live in a small apartment with my boyfriend and I need the privacy of a headphone and the mobility of wireless. While he plays on the PS4 I play on my PC and vice versa, I hate wires and I want to be able to walk around, go to the kitchen bathroom and even listen to music while doing house chores. Dr_deconstruct, you gave me good advice *smile* The PS4 controller has an audio jack and I had completely forgotten about it. I'm definitely not getting an overpriced sonny approved headphone. I'll probably get the August at first for using when I go out for walks, then later this year grab the rs 180. The only reason I'm getting the 180 is bc the base also charges the phone, it's less clutter. Honestly I would ve just as ok with the 160 with the velvet pads but then, 20 bucks more and the 180 is there. I was considering getting the rs175 bc it has a digital audio in but it goes way over my budget.
  4. Ok... they're there but I list the Sennheiser 502875 Headphones and the 170 and later on the Urbinite... so plz? LOL But on the BT front, yeah, you're right. I can just luck out or not with any non branded one. But won't there be delays or lag from the pc action to the headphone? So, either I get a BT one and try my luck or get one that needs a base and keep moving it.. *not a favourite thing to do*
  5. Really? Good to know. Which model is it? Saw the review by @JayzTwoCents and it looks good, although he didn't mention pairing the phone with a pc or ps4 for gaming. I've heard of the August EP650 and the Photive BTH3 They are reasonably priced but as always no mention of PS4 or PC use. Which is quite frustrating. I just want decent audio and use it on my PC for games as DA:I or ME. I don't play online and own a decent mic already so no need for a headset. It would be a great bonus to have something that I could pair with my mobile and PS4 but I just can't find it. I think I'll send a request to these YTbers. Maybe they can try that? Well, it's worth the shot.
  6. I'm on the search too. I'm picky (but not mental) with my audio and I don't care for a mic. My headphone is dying on me bc the wire gets stuck EVERYWHERE and my chair has all but almost cut through the wire in a few spots. I've been checking the Sennheiser RS170 and 180 (the pads of the 180's are far more comfy and I think I'll get the 170 and the pads). It's been a journey and a learning experience with all the specs and open back and noise cancelling and bla bla bla. There is also other brands, I have a list here where i'm storing all the things I have found so far. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/ZMXYqs(there are good ones here and random finds which i still need to research them) Lately I've been trying to find if I can use a bluetooth headset like the Urbinite and many others. But haven't found anyone's experience using them on a pc with games. Maybe bc it's not good, i wonder... ? How is your search going dr_deconstruct?
  7. Ooooohhhh do not offer bc I will take you on this!! hahaha Hopefully I'll be home in february - march, by then I'll have a solid list of what I'll get. One question tho. I remember seeing a vid from Linus about Old and New CPUs The Pentium held up so nicely in it. That was what inspired me in taking my build slowly and giving myself time to get it all. Bc the main problem is. When I get home I'll need a pc. I'm a translator and I need a home pc to work. So I don't want to rush anything and get something cheap and end up waisting money. Understand?
  8. Yeah, I will have to save a little longer and get all at once. I'll check the websites Rebelattack mentioned. I guess I'll leave all but my HDDs behind. I'm already selling my beloved Ammo 533 case bc the thing is HUGE and so heavy it would be insane to take it with me. Or maybe not... Blagh... back to making budgets.... hehehe
  9. WoodenMarker: Yeah... one day they are full price, others discount... This is just an estimative. I know about the V8... It's just that it is soooo preeeeetty. I'll get something nice looking but quieter. The only good thing about this one is that similar ones are in the same price range so the budget won't oscillate much. Thanks for the input on the PSU. I've been researching how many watts I would need and the online calculators always gave me 950w. If I can pull 2 x 290x on a 850w psu, I'll be a happy panda. The SSD is still being considered. I always had 3 HDDs running in the same machine. One for booting, other for work and media, another for games (I like keeping most of my library installed at all times). But in the end, it all boils down to budget. I still need to research SSDs more and if this choice will give me a headache, I'll get another HDD. Or even keep my old but still perfect 250Gb 7200 HDD Do you agree with Xaring's answers to my questions? AlexTheGamer: There aren't many options in the Nl market for computer parts. The cooler section at some webshops are pitiful. Maybe I can get some more options in german webshops. My choice for AMD is purely price. Right now, they are delivering the best performance for their cost and with my budget this tight, a €100 variation on this will keep me from getting what I want. I didn't even added the blu-ray burner at €80-something. I'll keep an eye out for the 380s if they don't mess with the initial budget too much... hehe Do you agree with Xaring's answers to my questions?
  10. Hello! The backstory: Well, I've had my good and old PC for a very loooong time and it had served me well for the past 8 years. I've played all the games I love with it, from the basic Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2, to Mass Effect Trology and the Dragon Age games. (yes, I'm a BioWare fan... haha). Anyway, when DA:Inquisition came, along with it came the terror. My old dualcore CPU wasn't going to cut it. Since I'm moving to another country in a couple of months, I'm not planing on spending money on anything right now. But I managed to get a really cheap used CPU which was fantastically well preserved. My old machine: Core 2 Duo E5500 2.80Ghz, 4gb DDR2, Geforce 9800GTX on an Intel board. Right now: Core 2 Quad Q9505 2.83Ghz, 4gb DDR2, Geforce 9800GTX on the same Intel board. What I'm after: For now (around february/2015) and the next +/-18 months, a good machine capable of gaming at 1080p @60fps. I have around €1000,00 now and I'll save around €600 in the meantime. Something in the likes of (theoretically, if I could get everything in one go): Motherboard: MSI Z97 GAMING 3 €119,90 CPU : Core i7-4770K €299,00 Cooler : COOLER MASTER V8 GTS - 140 mm €79,99 RAM : KIN GSTON HyperX FURY Black Series - 2 x 8 GB DDR3-1600 €152,00 Video Card: MSI AMD Radeon R9 290X 8GB GDDR5 €420,00 PSU: CORSAIR RM1000 - 1000 W €169,90 Housing: CORSAIR Carbide Series Air 540 - € 122,90 Memory (boot): KINGSTON Interne solid state drive SSDNow V300 (SV300S37A/120G) - 120 GB €57,00 Memory (storage): SEAGATE Barracuda 7200 3,5" - 3 TB €99,90 Total: €1560,00 (pricing from pixmania.nl and companic.nl) The reason why I chose a top GPU and Almost top CPU is that waaaay back I had the top ones and they lasted ages (until my SECOND ASUS board caught FIRE on me 2 years ago and I lost my old CPU a Pentium D 940 3.4Ghz - I had to cheap out on the replacements) Bottom line: I don't care about AMD or nVidia. I will never get ASUS boards EVER again no matter what (2 already died bloddy on me). I like Intel so I won't change the CPU. Same with the housing. I really like the Air 540. I don't care for overclocking but I like to have the option to. My goal is in 2 or 3 years have a Crossfire or SLI rig capable of 4k gaming built on a nice looking case. Questions: Could I re-use my "new" old CPU, get a new Motherboard that takes DDR3 and save for now around €500,00 and in a year replace them with the items above or similar? or even go further and re-use my DDR2 which is in top shape (and get a DDR2 board) and save €650,00 total. Is this a good idea? Will my old CPU bottleneck the GPU?
  11. Ohhh I love the cooling solutions! The True Quiet Fans and the Kuhler 1250. This is the perfect basic kit for my new system!!!! I'm moving across the atlantic and I'll need to build a new system to replace my old and faithful one. Thank you for the oportuninity!!!!!
  12. Awesome!! I found you guys when my cenozoic video card died and I was desperately looking for a fix for it on YT (was in the middle of my 1000th ME3 playthrough). In one of my clicks I came across the As fast as possible series and watched a bunch of them in a row. Since then, I often come back for info and builds. I managed to fankenstein my GPU and I'm crossing my fingers so it'll work for at least another 4 months, when I'll be able to build me a new PC. This old one is almost 8! years old. Bottom line is, I used to be an avid gamer but work and owning a laptop kind of took me away from my beloved custom desktop that I built for myself ages ago. When I found you guys my techie side woke up and I just can't get enough. hehehehe... my shop list is sweet <3 Thanks to you guys I like watching all video types, even the random "DYI Cabinet Cooling". I'm taking a lot of pointers from the "ULTIMATE Build a Better $1500 Gaming PC Computer". The work you guys make is awesome! Thank you! BTW, My fav food is anything I'm in the mood for at the time but It cant have peppers... hate those things!!!!