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Corsair H115i top mounted in P400S


Okey so first of I don't know if this is the right sub-forum to post in but anyway, I wonder if anyone have a Corsair H115i and a phanteks p400s and have it top mounted, I recently bought the H115i and I managed to setup a good curve but I noticed that in load the cpu and motherboard still got a little hotter then I thought it would, I then discovered that it didn't feel like the fans could move much air over the radiator (I have it in a push setup in the front) so I removed the front cover just to see if there would be a difference and it was huge. 


I went from 50+ temps over the cpu and pump, and 61 degrees on my motherboard to 38 degrees over the cpu and pump and around 45 on the motherboard (all this was in load) 


So what im wondering here is should i top mount the H115i, is it even possible in a p400s or will it hit my RAM (i know i could measure this but thought i might as well ask since im asking other stuff too) 


Is there someone that has a p400s and h115i front mounted in it, have you seen the same results as I am? maybe this case is just bad for AIO coolers? 


EDIT: never mind this, I can see that it would clearly not fit in the top. So to a new question, do you guys think it would be better to set it up in a pull with the fans on the inside of the case over my now pull setup with the rad on the inside and fans on the outside(behind the front panel).


EDIT again: when i look closer on the setup i have now (rad on inside fans on "outside" behind the front panel) it seem like the fans are to close to the front panel and there for can't move air, it would be nice if someone has the same parts and can confirm this, and then i will change it tomorrow. Also if i do swap it around to have both the fans and rad on the inside, should i have it in push or pull? I have read about both but not found a "clear" answer to whats best, maybe there isn't a best answer to this.

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