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  1. Question. With that build I get that the case is a bit to small for the Video card and it may need some re-adjusting, and the case doesn't have USB 3.0 ports. Is that an issue? or should I find another case?
  2. Hello everyone! It is my first time on this website and the first time I will try to create a gaming PC. I would like to hear from you guys if this is a good build or if I need to add/remove anything, or if you guys have a better build that is around this budget would also help me a lot ! http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Wowyoshi/saved/Y7hmP6 I also want to know if this would be able to run new games good or if you guys have any Pc's that runs new/somewhat new games at around medium, high or ultra ! (Skyrim,Fallout,watch dogs, Bioshock Infinite, Battlefield, etc) And again. Thanks for taking the time to read this and help a newbie out! I also have A Keyboard, Mouse. If you guys know any good monitors and a windows to add on, that would be awesome.