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I'm actually really starting to like FireFox :D.


Other than the fact that it lets me see how much web cache I need to get rid of :(.



  1. themctipers


    I don't like firefox because it has a shit UI on iOS. other than that, yeah i'd use it (because it uses less resources on desktop)

  2. Zando_


    Chrome and Safari are my faves, but I trust Firefox more for security and not tracking everything you do. 

  3. themctipers


    I also like safari, mainly because it is a good browser on iOS. Too bad I'm not running a hackintosh anymore. 

  4. Zando_


    What happened? 

  5. themctipers


    Windows did a fuck up, I'll just use my hackintosh to get my files off of my windows SSD, stayed with a hackintosh for a month before installing Windows, 


    and windows did another fuck up like 5 days ago

  6. vorticalbox


    the only downside on Firefox is it doesn't highlight the girl box when you first click in it. Super annoying. 
