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  1. I've never considered a universal. I'm guessing small chipset heatsinks would also be necessary? How's the cooling with them?
  2. The CPU only part is because I change video cards way too often to get a waterblock for one and the tubing looks weird because of my crappy phone camera.
  3. I had a big kink in my loop (enough to strain the pump) and no anti-kink coil in my reach but had an abundance of zip ties laying around and the result is pleasing and worked great!
  4. the percentage of the funding can be allocated however pleased with atleast 50 percent going to charity.and the $1000 donated would go towards shipping fees.
  5. Thanks for the support guys. This is something that i feel can really benefit everyone.
  6. I agree with this. and as to the already owning a computer thing. I think a lot of people would care about a signed one.
  7. It could do both at the same time and some can be sketchy but i think a lot of honest ones do exist.
  8. But charity is the most of the point
  9. If any team of people could pull this off its his. If he could just poll people during the next wan show and ask how many people would sub he could get an idea if it would work or not. If he doesn't reach the month goal the money could be pooled to the next month.
  10. Linus i hope you read this because i believe it is a really great idea for you and your team. I want to suggest to you an idea that can help a charity of the communities choosing, fund some of your tech channel things, and give an amazing prize to one lucky person a month. I did not know where to post this seeing as it is my first post so i'm putting it here to avoid bad things. Introducing to you "Build for a better cause!" What it is: Build for a better cause is a once a month raffle that you can subscribe to on your website for a chance to win a signed computer from your team, donate money to charity, and give you a small bit of funding for videos. how it works: its a continuing once a month 5 dollar subscription. you receive a numbered ticked each month you keep your sub going. your goal total is $1000 for pc parts and shipping. once you've hit that mark your team builds a computer, signs it all over and ships it to the winning contestant announced on the wan show. Here is the real goal: The real goal is over that $1000 dollar mark because 95% of anything past that mark gets donated to a charity of choice decided with a vote on your wan show. the rest of the 5 percent goes to your team and helps fund future vids. at $5 a piece it would only take 250 people to go above and beyond the charity mark. and higher subs can exist (multiple tickets a month) Linus, you have a big group of people that follow you and support you. you can use this to improve someones life drastically. I know that it would be a hard thing to pull off, but if its done right it can work out for everyone. Build for a better cause.