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About Seilu

  • Birthday Feb 19, 1999

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    Airdrie, Alberta, Canada
  1. do you think it would be worth it to spend more and get some better fans? I just kinda picked em up since they were free but I do want some fans on the top
  2. WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT damn there was a r9 290 on sale the other day.. fuck me and my naive brain
  3. Except I heard that it uses a lot of power and gets very hot. If it is true that a 550w power supply is not enough, I do not want to spend more on getting a better power supply.
  4. I am building my first PC that I will be gaming on. I am thinking it is ready but are there any changes you guys would make? I am in Canada by the way. http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/NZQzCJ[1]
  5. I was just saying a cheaper power supply is more preferable then a more expensive one.
  6. So I am sorry for making one of these posts, but I am very confused and do not want to fuck this up. Here is my build(I might switch the 970 for the 770 but I have not decided yet): http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/tkfrt6 I am very confused on how to pick a right power supply. The cheaper the better, I am going to be gaming on it and slight overclocking. Pick me a good power supply?
  7. So my friend has decided to buy a gaming laptop. I told him that is is way better to build a desktop himself, and he claims that laptops are cheaper. Anything I tell him to counter him he does not believe me, any help on why building a desktop is a way better way to go?
  8. So I am looking at getting either of these 2 graphic cards because of the cheap price and am wondering what the differences are and which is better? http://www.ncix.com/detail/xfx-radeon-r9-290-980mhz-17-93752-1053.htm http://www.ncix.com/detail/xfx-radeon-r9-290-double-99-93750-1053.htm?affiliateid=7474144
  9. The Logitech 710 is on sale, thinking of getting that instead.
  10. It is a blue switch type. I will look into this mobo some more but I am liking your suggestion of mother board a lot more.
  11. I am 15 and have nothing else to spend my money on, I go on the computer like 5 hours a day and 10 hours on weekends at least so I might as well put a decent ammount of money into it. I say "intro" PC but I have been gaming on a gaming laptop for 2 years I just mainly play league of legends but have recently started getting more into steam games. I also want something that will last me for a while. Do you disagree, am I overkilling it?
  12. Which SSD would you swap it for? I have tried this keyboard before and I just really really liked it, I guess I am bias on it, but I have not found a better one yet and I love it other than the price. Unless you had other siggestions? Do you think the Z97I-Plus is worth the price difference? What is the difference in the mother boards?
  13. Would you say that this build is ready to be bought? This is my first time building my own PC so I am new to this stuff. And also, holy moly that post count!
  14. I have decided to go with the Asus Strix 970