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  1. I originally build my PC for install OSX Here is my rig, pretty main stream component MB : H77-N-WFI CPU : Core i7 3770 RAM : 16 GB VGA : GTX 770 SSD : 120 GB sandisk extreme (install OSX 10.9 exclusively) HDD : 1 TB for windows and 2 TB for storage
  2. Unfortunately, my MB has only one usb header (Mini ITX) I can't test it just yet. I'm looking for an usb expansion which right now only I found is IU01 USB Expansion from NZXT, another NZXT product that going put in my NZXT H440 case
  3. I have Kraken X60 co-op with Kraken G10 for my GPU coolling, I rely heavily on kranken control to reduce fan noise, I recently got X40 for my CPU, I wonder if the Kraken control can work with both of them in the same time. Right now the X40's usb header didn't plug to the usb header.