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being 2018, maybe your views have changed, or perhaps your ability to compare has imporoved,but could you post an update to this thread you made? 

also, could you add your experience of Gsync, give an opinion on if we should get a big 32-40 inch monitor, and talk about if color, contrast, and aspect ratio are worth sacrificing a little response time and hertz for?

I've been noticing more and more on my TN panel that the viewing angle is terrible, even when perfectly positioned i cannot ever see accurate colors. This is really starting to bother me as i like my darks to be dark on all parts of the screen, and everything to look as it should.


your post helped me, but it's old and i'm hoping that time has given you more insight to add to it.

  1. rodion.zissou


    Hey sorry for the late response but I'll do my best to answer a few of your questions. (Still haven't forked over the cash for a G-SYNC monitor).


    As for your question about visual fidelity vs response time & frame rates, this will entirely depend on the type of games you enjoy. If you're a competitive gamer, that enjoys twitch style games or online multiplayer games where accuracy really means something, then you'll probably be happier with a super responsive monitor with low input lag. And you'll get a competitive edge with a higher refresh rate because you're going to get more information more quickly which will allow you to react better and faster. If you're like me and you're more of a casual gamer that enjoys single-player type games with immersive plots and visuals, you'd probably be happy with an IPS or OLED panel. I gamed on a 144hz TN with 1ms response times, and it was pretty fun to play things like Battlefield 4 etc, but like you, I grew frustrated with the subpar color and viewing angles. I honestly don't play anything competitively, and if I play something multiplayer, I'm not invested in whether I win or lose. I'm just enjoying the fun. So I switched out for an IPS panel long ago and never looked back. As long as I get a steady 60fps I'm happy with my 99% color accuracy and viewing angles.


    A couple of notes:

    If you're still holding out on a monitor upgrade, maybe consider OLED for great colors, dark blacks, AND decent input lag response times.

    Also, it appears Nvidia is opening up their g-sync platform to work with free-sync monitors (which are usually cheaper than g-sync monitors)
