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  1. Hey, I have a Define R4 and I wanna take the bottom drive cage and replace it with the bottom drive cage from a Define XL R2. Is it possible to do something like? And if so is there anywhere I may be able to buy a drive cage for a Define XL R2. Thanks.
  2. Thanks for all your feedback! I'll keep my current board, and memory. I just upgrade storage and fans at this point. Thanks again
  3. Thanks for that follow thing, and I keep forgetting the specs lol. So yea CPU- i7-3770k Mobo- Z77X-UD3H RAM-Mushkin 16GB DDR3 GPU- GTX 770 Windforce PSU-Rosewill 750W 80 Plus Gold Cooler- H100i Case-Fractal Define R4 SSD- None atm HDD- 2 WD Blue 1TB 1 WD Green 3TB
  4. Thanks for that follow thing, and I keep forgetting the specs lol. So yea CPU- i7-3770k Mobo- Z77X-UD3H RAM-Mushkin 16GB DDR3 GPU- GTX 770 Windforce PSU-Rosewill 750W 80 Plus Gold Cooler- H100i Case-Fractal Define R4 SSD- None atm HDD- 2 WD Blue 1TB 1 WD Green 3TB
  5. I want a new gaming/overclocking motherboard for i7-3770k. Budget is about $200. I'm planning to buy Corsair Dom. Plat. ram and another GTX 770 Windforce to run in SLI I don't only want your honest opinion but I would like some reasons why please. (Wanna make this a learning experience) Thanks alot forum.
  6. Well, I didnt say it 'cause I didn't really care how much you theoretically spend on the build. Im new so sorry about that. But to and alittle more detail. Gaming PC CASE:EVGA Hadron Air CPU: i7-3770k Thats like the only thing I'm absoulute about parts wise. Overclocking is not a issue atm so you can just bypass any parts that you would choose just for OC. Perphials are also not important Ill figure that out on my own. And if you really need a budget I'll say around $1000. I hope that helps and I'm sorry about the confusion.
  7. And ideas on what to put in it to make this a pretty good gaming rig? I want a i7-3770k in the build. You guys gimme your opinion. Thanks in advance.
  9. I have the windforce gtx 770
  10. New to the tech scene, ready to learn.

  11. Ok, cool so alot of you guys are saying run the 770 in SLI and don't upgrade the cpu. Any board and SSD recommendations or should I keep it.
  12. Hola tech peeps of the interwebs I come to you for a mission, upgrading my gaming pc. Now I'm not an advance player computer building game, in fact the pc im running now I built last year (my first child, I'm so proud lol) Since it was my first I did everything without a real care so this time around I want a more effcient, faster stronger comp that I wont have to really worry about for a while and yes I will be overclocking. Here are my specs so far. CASE: Fractal Define R4 CPU: Intel i7-3770k MOBO: Gigabyte Z77X-UD3H COOLER: Corsair H100i PSU: Rosewill 750W 80 PLUS GOLD GPU: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 770 SSD: Dont worry about it cause its dead (never trusting OCZ again) HDD: 1 WD Green 3TB and 2 WD Blue 1TB RAM: Mushkin 16GB Blackline OS: Windows 7 (I just like it better than 8.1) So yea, keeping the case, cooler, os and that's it. I want a 4770k and I a gtx titan but dont let that stop you from recommending other graphic cards. Also can you recommend fans, I was think noctuas but hey its your educated opinion. I don't really have a budget right now so I'm technically writing a blank check...but lets not get crazy. Thanks in advance I'm really looking forward to your upgrade ideas.