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    I.T. Manager, Entrepreneur, Small business owner

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  1. Hello! I have a 2 scripts that I use to make Splashtop (remote support software) do a few things that I require. First, my batch file checks to see if the program is running. If it is running, it does nothing. tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq srserver.exe" | find /i "srserver.exe" > nul ||start cls.vbs If it isn't running, it launches a vbscript (cls.vbs) which opens Splashtop and closes the main window that pops up (essentially minimizing it to the system tray). Dim WshShell,oExecSet WshShell = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("C:\Program Files (x86)\Splashtop\Splashtop Remote\Server\SRServer.exe")While WshShell.AppActivate("splashtop") = FALSE Wscript.sleep 500WendWshShell.SendKeys "%{F4}" My plan was to run these scripts as a scheduled task so that I can ensure that splashtop is running on user computers should they exit out of it (Splashtop has no way of requiring a PW to exit the program). The sendkeys command is simply to close the main splashtop streamer window that appears after the program is launched so users don't mess with it. The scripts work perfectly on my computer but not on a test computer I have setup. Both computers are win 7 pro 64-bit. The problem seems to be with the vbscript. If splashtop is not currently running, the vbs launches the program but fails to close the main window. When I open taskmanager, wscript.exe is running. If I navigate to the Splashtop folder in Program Files (x86) the folder immediately closes. It looks like my computer recognizes the program as simply "splashtop" but the test machine does not. It's thinking that the Splashtop folder is the window I am trying to close. I tried every variation I could think of for the application name but this still does not work. Any ideas? Any help is VERY MUCH appreciated. Thanks.