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  1. I am using the i7-9700k and plan to do some over clocking
  2. The dark rock pro 4 is $70 and h100i is $100
  3. Should I get the DARK ROCK PRO 4 or 240mm H100i?
  4. My budget is highest $170 and I live in dc so I use usd
  5. I have 3070 fe phanteks eclipse 970 evo 500mb seagate barracuda 2tb 32gb crucial balistix 3200mhz still deciding on psu and getting 5600x tomorrow
  6. I’m getting the 5600x and I have a 3070 FE and was wondering if I should get a X570 or B550 motherboard.
  7. Is there a a way to get a 9th gen intel cpu on a b460 mb using some wierd bios and other things like that.
  8. @JoostinOnline I would be doing 1440p gaming and photoshop on the computer.