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Everything posted by DeathstrokeGG

  1. https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B0009P7J0K/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A1S1RV7QA28FUJ&psc=1 ??
  2. I know but I want 80+ Gold and Fully Modular, both which this psu checks. Does this psu really have a major issue ? Because every such unit that I find to be properly priced gets ruled out by someone and finding an equivalently priced unit without any compromises is a challenge of it's own, All corsair psus are overpriced, non modular 80 plus bronze units sell at prices higher than this one. My budget is honestly speaking at it's tipping point. And a lot of company psus stated in that tier list are straight up unavailable here. The lower wattage units like 500W or 600W units have more problems than these ones and they are rarely modular or anything above 80+ Gold.... And as a first timer, modular is a very nice to have since it can't help me with cable management....
  3. Can I go for this one then, https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0009P7J0K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glc_fabc_T8F8TE3PP6RKJA6SB883 , I think the HCG series is tier A low tier units and thats fine enough for me , but this is max I can go , I can't actually get a Psu because they barely have service centres and no one knows their return policy and they are too expensive for all of this considered, So this Antec HCG750M might just do it , What are your thoughts ?
  4. The problem that I have here is from the Tier B , most of the brands dont sell here and most that do are too overpriced
  5. Any other suggestions ? What about this one : https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0762R8WJ9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glc_fabc_AFSMV42K906N3C94MAR4 ?? Is this one the same ?
  6. This is the psu I am talking about : https://www.amazon.in/dp/B08DKJJFW6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glc_fabc_T12HWVKYRY1X23SQ9SJB?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Sounds too good to be true and was warned about it by someone on Reddit. PS : First Timer here , sorry for the hassle if any, Thanks for looking through here and helping out :D
  7. Oh boyyyy, you have really been helpful man , thanks a lot and sorry for vexing you
  8. Oh so the actual performance will be capped hmmmmm
  9. To what extent , like a 20-30 fps drop or a 5-10 fps drop ? Sorry if i am annoying you as i am a newbie
  10. Okk thanks a lot, so you mean no 60 + fps ?
  11. I want to make a decision between GTX 1660 Super and RTX 2060 . I have a weak system, one with i5 7400 :(. I am gonna get a BX500 240 GB ssd for the os and 2 8gb ddr4 ram sticks along with a corsair spec 05, and a corsair cx 650m or 550 depending on the gpu .... I asked a question earlier where people replied that your 60 hz monitor aint gonna cut it ......I am gonna game and need 60 + fps on all games except cpu intensive games on which a solid 30 will be fine, i am not gonna use ray tracing at all so take that in mind.....Should i really drop my wish of gaming as i am maxing out on budget with all these components or can i game ?
  12. I'll check them out and yeah the pricing in our country suxx
  13. Amazon,Corsair CX550 lists at nearly 30k INR,considering that 1USD = 73.44 INR, That is nearly a whopping 404 dollars and I ain't going for a psu that costs me more than my gpu
  14. Now the recommended psu I am getting is Corsair CX550 which is very expensive in India (like 30k) and it is unavailable as well My wattage is 394 watts, now if i use a CV650 , will that be ok ?
  15. Thanks so much, you cleared a lot of things If you can link a non-fake ps calculator website, i'll be grateful ....