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  1. im quite sure there proprietary i wanted see if i could somehow use them on a non proprietary system. there from point of sale machine ibm ones. because i want to use a keyboard and monitor from one. oh the usb things also supply enough power to monitors
  2. hello i was wondering if anyone could identify the connectors in the attached pictures, the ones im most concerned with are the ones on the cables on the first picture and the ones on the back of the board in the second picture. i thought ide, but im not sure thanks, and dont ask why,
  3. ive tried pc partpicker, mb database and an extremely old one as well.
  4. Does anyone know of a good spot to search for motherboards by spec? or does anyone know a board that has these capabilities/specs/ etc pcie 4.0 atleast 4 pcie x16 slots trx/strx socket atleast 6 sata 6bgps connections quad/dual channel ddr4 thanks, conntech
  5. does anyone know if theres a cheap 4k monitor with little pwm flicker and alteast 60hz refresh rate. (i prefer 60) under (preferably 300. hdmi or dp preferred. thanks
  6. spectrum gig although we dont actually get gigabit its more like 8-900mbps upload and 20mbps download
  7. are there any companies that will do custom soldering jobs on motherboards, like replacing capacitors, smd components, and vrm with higher quality ones? i ask because i dont posess the tools nor the skills to solder anything that small. also i have an off the walls core 2 project im considering. if there are none does anyone know anyone that may be willing to do this?
  8. is there a piece of software that allows me to run an app in a virtual machine (say windows xp/7/8) and use the app like normal, like stream to my desktop instead of having an entire windows desktop? ive seen qubes os can do that. so instead of having the entire virtual machine i would have just the app in a mostly normal looking tab on my taskbar and when maximized i would only see the app gui not the entire vm's desktop. i need to run some old software and games on an older os and i dont like having two separate desktops, like with hyper v.
  9. well in case of an sfp (i didnt know what they were called before hand but considered them) are there any modems that have an sfp slot
  10. if i installed ethernet between the modem and router and i had fiber going to my server/workstation wouldnt the ethernet bottle neck what the fiber is capable of?
  11. i was googling for a cable modem that has a built in fiber port for lan but i couldn't find any, does anyone know if such a device exists and or where to find one?
  12. ok so im going start with the information and then ask my question. i live in a house with a 400mbps service connection via broadband coaxial, and usually there are two people streaming disneyplus, or netflix, one person watching youtube and two of us gaming/ or downloading mods. our current router is a netgear nighthawk 800, so my question is with the right hardware and pf sense configuration would i be able to gain performance on my network with a custom made router?
  13. wait overclock a display, i think i remember hearing about that, how is that even done i heard it causes severe heat dissipation problems
  14. I have a few different questions about overclocking the cpu, motherboard, pci bus, usb, basically everything except for the gpu. what is a multiplier (does it multiply the cpu clock speed by that number?) what does it mean if i overclock the fsb what does the voltage adjustment do (adjusts voltage yes, but how does that effect overclocking?) would replacing motherboard vrms and filters help with noise, stability and increase the overclockability of a system. what are the types of overclocking how are each of the types done. can ram be overclocked independently? what else can be overclocked are there any hardware modifications that effect overclocking (i remember hearing about shorting cpu pins with solder to overclock farther/overclock a locked cpu) are there any safety system's implemented to prevent over voltage and over heating if i over clock on a newer system? can the motherboard be too cold?