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  1. I live at a university dorm and that means I'm tied to a WPA2-Enterprise Eduroam network. The problem here is that a few of my devices do not support WPA2-Enterprise and I've bypassed this by bridging the network via Windows 10 hotspot. However, it is quite slow as my Nintendo Switch gets about >5mbps on the bridged network. Is there anyhow I can increase the mobile hotspot speeds on Windows 10? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Have you ever run a speed test? Is there a significant drop in speeds?
  3. The reason why you can't connect the PS4 directly to Eduroam is because Eduroam requires your university ID and your password, and the PS4 does not support this network security configuration. This is my concern with a WiFi extender as well.
  4. Hi, thanks for your reply. That's exactly what I think would work (see solution 2). Your solution involves ethernet while mine involves WiFi which now that I think of it, I prefer yours! However, I'm unsure whether WiFi extenders can actually connect to eduroam as I've never tested this before. Have you?
  5. So I just preordered a PS5 digital edition and I realized that it might not work with the PS5 due to it's WPA2 enterprise network security. However, I have come up with a few solutions that I was hoping someone could help me test out as I do not have sufficient cables just yet (most of my junk are back in my home country). Potential Solution 1: I have bridged eduroam to my Nintendo Switch via mobile hotspot before. However, the speeds are incredibly slow (less than 10mbps) and I cannot imagine how it'd be like to install games that are about 100gb with that speed. My solution to this is to bridge the internet via ethernet (from windows to PS5, or any console will do). Can someone help me test these speeds? Potential Solution 2: I did some research and found out that I may be able to connect a WiFi extender to eduroam, and establish the network under a different SSID. This way, the PS5 may be able to detect and connect to this new SSID. I really hope someone could help test this out for me. Please note that the console does not have to be a PS5. From what I know, most consoles including the Switch, Xbox One and PS4 do not support WPA2 Enterprise. Thanks!