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  1. Remember Gateway? As someone with a Gateway Mid-Tower myself, with only the most blazing fast i3-2320, I sure do. Well as it turns out, acer is resurrecting the Gateway brand for new devices to be sold. But as it turns out, acer isn't designing any of the new Gateway devices, rather Walmart are. What? And the new Gateway website, https://gatewayusa.com/, shows they're selling laptops and...tablets? Huh? I would love some sort of video covering the new devices, maybe about their cheapest laptop, the GWTN116-1 (https://gatewayusa.com/GWTN116-1.html), for $179USD, and perhaps even their most expensive laptop, the GWTN156-3 (https://gatewayusa.com/GWTN156-3.html), for a whopping $999USD! It is crazy to think that there is now a GATEWAY with ray-tracing. That $999 model also sports a 10th gen i5-10300H, 8 GB of ram, 256 GB of storage, and a crystal clear 1 MP webcam. That $179 base model has a 7th gen A4-9120E & 4 GB of ram. Another thing of note is how lazily the website is set up. It said the $999 model hat a "GTX 2060", and I find it hard to believe the $179 laptop has "664 GB" of storage. Yeah, riiiight.
  2. https://www.hyperxgaming.com/unitedstates/us/landing/eyewear Was just browsing the HyperX website when I found this, the HyperX Spectre Eyewear, with UV and Blue Light Protection you can depend upon. They even have an option to get prescription lenses fitted. It wouldn't be as major a video as Gaming Browser, or Gaming SD Card, but I think it would be pretty interesting Thoughts?