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  1. Well, when I click the dropdown it shows me the open terminals (Which there are none) and when I click the + icon nothing happens
  2. So I opened VScode and clicked open new terminal and no terminals opened up so I clicked show terminal and no terminals were open and I couldn't open any Screenshot: And I tried turning Terminal->Integrated->Tabs off and it still wasn't working Screenshot: If you need it, here is my settings.json file: { "workbench.editor.enablePreview": false, "workbench.editorAssociations": { "*.ipynb": "jupyter.notebook.ipynb" }, "editor.minimap.enabled": false, "files.autoSave": "afterDelay", "[html]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode" }, "terminal.explorerKind": "integrated", "security.workspace.trust.enabled": false, "terminal.integrated.experimentalLinkProvider": false, }
  3. I managed to get up gpedit, now how can I make it so I don't get that "This app has been blocked for your protection" with mmc.exe
  4. When I try to run mmc.exe or any msc file I just get an error I am trying to troubleshoot 2 BSODs so I would like help
  5. i downloaded an older one that isnt recent( i think so at least)
  6. I installed windows 95 on my vm and it works but i cant install vmware tools (i just get an error) can some one please help me
  7. mojang status won't help because i'm using a microsoft account also it works fine on my 2012 dell latitude e6420
  8. Minecraft (Java Edition) won't connect to Minecraft servers or at least Hypixel doesn't work. When I try to connect it just says this: Failed to connect to the server Failed to log in: The authentication servers are currently down for maintenance. It works fine on my Dell E6420 laptop (2012) They both have the same Minecraft account.
  9. it's weird how you can make your amazon password 123456 but you can't make your google password 123456
  10. So I tried to login to Discord, but it said "Login from new location detected, please check your email" ,so i head over to Gmail and was going to sign into the Gmail Account I used to make my Discord Account, but I don't remember the password. Can anyone help me? Edit: I do not have a recovery email address