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  1. I have a turtle beach grip arena, and use it quite aggressively for about 5 hours a day. On Friday it kept randomly stopping tracking for about 3 minutes then working again. This happens in all USB ports except the front usb 3, where it never had the problem. The lights stay on when it stops tracking. I think it’s a laser sensor
  2. he has 0 knowledge of pc's sadly. He coudnt build one himself, and i dont live near him anymore
  3. i have an ssd for windows but its 128 gb so thats all thats on it. everything else is hdd
  4. I use a hdd and its not all bad, however i was on an extremely tight budget (£150)
  5. yeah, he wants to buy that for xmas, for which he gets £400. The for his bday he can either get like a rx 580 and a 144hxz monitor or something like a 2060. i said to get gpu and monitor.
  6. my friend wants to play fortnite on a pre built for £400, and i found this system. is it decent, he has in mind buying a discrete gpu at his birthday. https://www.amazon.co.uk/ADMI-Gaming-PC-Graphics-2400MHz/dp/B01M68HE2V?th=1
  7. Does anyone know of an am4 mb that is btx or will fit this case (the t3600's)
  8. the oc i have no clue about but about the gpu you are correct i play at 480p to try and get 144fps in fortnite and only get 90-100 ig with my cpu sat on 10%
  9. ok, see you in 5 years when i convince my dad to let me overclock my pc again bc last time i did something wrong and my dad had to spend 6 hours fixing it
  10. i never use above 14 gigs the only time i hit that is when i have a billion things open
  11. intel xeon e5 2670 paired with a amd firepro w5000
  12. im on gpu limited until xmas when im going to get a 1660 super i think. I have a 3.2 ghz 8 core hyper threaded cpu so im not cpu limited.