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Everything posted by SUPR3ME

  1. I am working on a discord bot and just started 2 days ago. I've done all the basic stuff and set up some basic commands, but now i'm getting to the main part of my bot and i'm finding myself helpless. What do I do??? I want my bot to randomly send out an embed every week or so in a channel where people are actively talking. The embed has a timer on it, and anyone who responds with a certain message before the timer ends joins a giveaway of sorts in which the winner receives a certain role. The winner of the giveaway keeps the role until the next giveaway, and so on. I have no idea how to do anything, but for starters, can someone tell me how to make a timer that makes the embed disappear when it's done, and to actively update the timer as it ticks down on the embed? I can go from there. Or, if someone can fully tell me how to execute all this, it would be appreciated.