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Charanpreet singh

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  1. I got a ryzen 5 4600H and a 1650ti with window 10
  2. I just installed davinci resolve. And it would not open. Window pops up does the processing for 5 sec and closes out last thing it says before closing out is looking for surface control. I have reinstalled it. I have restarted my computer. I have tried opening it up from several places pls help.
  3. I am currently organizing a farewell party for my senior remotely. We are in search of a good video calling app in which I can controll the screen they are watching as thier are various other members who will be doing their own thing. And we are using video call app and not streaming it as it's a super short audience and it's quite engaging which cannot be done on a streaming platform. Controlling what they are seeing is the main part here.
  4. I am looking for some awesome gaming monitors. Could not find a good site that does have it. I already checked out wall haven not that many gaming related
  5. I just got a new laptop what are the things u think I should do? And yes I updated my driver's
  6. I would be playing CSGo (I know no issues), valorent ( again no issues), rainbow 6 and warzone
  7. Is it like close to each other ? And would u buy 1650ti if u r getting 144hz display and the 1660 ti max q is has 60hz
  8. With GPU is better for a laptop 1650 ti or 1660 ti max q and can 1650 ti push 144 or even 120 frames in mordern AAA games
  9. Thanks man, unfortunately I live in India and Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 has not been released here yet and I was looking between two laptops one having 1650ti 144hz and other being 1660ti maxq 60hz which one should I go for?
  10. I am looking for a laptop under 1200$ US. I an mainly gonna use it for gaming please suggest any good ones