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  1. I think the shortages that are plaguing the new RTX 3000 series cards, the RTX 3090, 3080, 3070, have been manufactured to shift old stock. That’s right. I believe that Nvidia has deliberately, and understandably from a business point of view, held back stock of its new cards in an effort to sell off as much of its 2000 series RTX cards as possible. They knew that their 2000 series was not selling as well so they did this and ended up selling most of their lineup. What are your thoughts?
  2. Would it be called 900? What about their 700 series when they reach 795?
  3. It's like when they released the 1660. What's going on with Nvidia? Is it just to confuse average consumers?
  4. sorry this is my first post on the fourms edit: i added it
  5. Which kind of person are you? A headphones or speaker kind of guy. I'd rather spend my money on headphones because I'm not about other people listening to my music or being annoyed by it.
  6. there was a cracking noise in both the laptops. I dlon't know maybe the hard drive. But when I went to Walmart they kept avoiding the question and keep trying to sell me mousepads and keyboards. not worth
  7. as an owner of these two laptops, they died in months. not worth it