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  1. thanks time for a change my last permanent GPU was a 980 ti
  2. for the same price you can get the 3070 which is better than a 2080 ti which is a $1200 card if you buy a 2070 super you are making a terrible mistake.
  3. i went on NVIDIA'S website and it showed me notify me does that mean its already sold out or that it going to be available on the 17th to order? and if that is the case would it be the 17th east coast time midnight or what time frame does anyone know?
  4. so the 16 is overall better than the 13? the 16 has a 9th gen i7 and 16GB RAM and 512GB storage and a 5300m 4GB GPU the 13 has a 10th gen i5 and 16GB of fast ram and 512GB
  5. so if i have the choice between the 13 and 16 and i want something that would last longer and something stronger which one out of the two should i pick up.
  6. thanks should i wait for ARMA or would the 16 be good or now and the next 2-3 years
  7. hi can someone help me pick between the base MacBook 16 and the 10th gen i5 MacBook 13. i would be coding and video editing. the price diff between the two is $280.99 i own a windows gaming pc that i can use if i need anything Windows or Linux Based I need a Mac for school and Work
  8. what is better a MacBook Pro 13 with an 8th gen i5 16Gb RAM and 256GB or a MacBook Pro 16 with 9th gen i7 and 16Gb RAM and 512GB and AMD 5300M 4GB GPU i would be using it for Coding school Light video editing and And Some light gaming like WoW or LOL the price dif is $800 usd between the 2 i currently own a MacBook Pro 13 2015 with a broken Screen that would cost me around $500-$600 to fix i would be using my PC when im home and or if i need windows. The only reason im not currently considering a Windows Laptop is because i won a Good Pc at home that is running windows 1o but i dont have anything thats running macOS. please tell me what you think and if you disagree with me picking up a Mac. Thanks in Advance!