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Everything posted by lavishly

  1. @zeusthemoose Just to make sure, I can boot with the m.2 without an HDD right?
  2. Sorry for the super late answer I have no notifications sorry. I'll be using it for gaming, the storage being low is for the reason that I just want it to boot once I get the PC and I can buy an HDD down the line. Can you somehow fit a 3600 with a better PSU in a 650$ budget sorry if that's not much room but that's the max I can possibly go. @zeusthemoose
  3. https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/rjHHyk my max is 600$ CAD @zeusthemoose
  4. I am a beginner to all the PC building and I just noticed quite a big difference between the prices on Non-Modular and Modular PSUs. Is the money for Modular PSUs worth it or is it just a thing to make your PC more clean in terms of cable management.
  5. Apart from my stupidity what SSD should I go with the MX500 or the WD Blue?
  6. I'm sorry I didn't see the "not".
  7. ohhhhhhh my god I didn't see that I feel so dumb now.
  8. I'm sorry I'm a beginner to pcs how exactly will I set that up?
  9. now I have this https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/BD8CYH will the Gigabyte mobo support it?
  10. Probably Streamlabs OBS if that's what you're asking.
  11. Does that mean I can plug my ethernet cord and be able to get wifi?
  12. If I stream with the 3300x wouldn't it be worse though since it's Quad Core?
  13. Budget (including currency): 620$ CAD Country: Canada Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: FPS games, maybe some games like GTA. https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/vNdfb8 Hello I would like some help with this build I'm gonna make soon. I got a bit of help from some people in the forum making this parts list so here it is. NOTE: I am not sticking with just the SSD I will get a HDD in the future. I just want to make it so I can play once I have all the parts and start adding the different parts later. Will this this SSD be better than the MX500, and will I also need to get a Network Adapter? Thank you for helping
  14. Will I need to get a Wifi adapter or any of those things?
  15. Yeah I saw, almost same price as the 1660ti and they're comparing it to the 2070 or 2060 cant remember.
  16. Thank you, this will work hoping sales will do the job to fit the budget.
  17. It goes over budget here in Canada can you do any changes to make it cost a little less? http://prntscr.com/tcp3qu
  18. I already have the GPU and I just got the monitor
  19. Hello, my old post is pretty much dead so I made another post. I was wondering if this PC was good. I know it's weird not having the HDD and having an SSD instead but maybe in a few months down the line I will buy a HDD because I just want to get the build and start running because I really do not wanna play with my bummy iMac relying on Bootcamp to play a game that everyone can handle except for me. I have no knowledge in PCs so I am here asking you what I can do to maybe maximize this build's potential with it's price I could maybe do somewhere around 500 - 620$ CAD. https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/rRCxBZ Thank you!
  20. I had never heard of the 5600xt announcements. I do not think it was out before I got my card because I looked up many videos before getting mine.