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  1. Alright. I think I found on around the price I would want to go with: https://www.newegg.com/eclipse-gray-asus-rog-strix-g15-g513qe-es76-gaming-entertainment/p/N82E16834235880?Item=N82E16834235880 I see the USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C support DisplayPort / power delivery port (learn new things there) Wish it had a webcam is the only thing. So I think I am between these: Legion 5 Asus G15 Thinkbook I will talk it over with her tonight and see. Just need to find some monitors and a dock. But I am not thinking too fancy there.
  2. Cool, good to know. I didn't realize that about Thunderbolt. So, if I could talk her into it would you do for something like this? https://www.amazon.com/ASUS-Zephyrus-Premium-Backlit-Keyboard/dp/B09G5L3DF1/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=273US8MJ230OV&keywords=Asus+G14&qid=1643050743&refinements=p_n_feature_thirty-one_browse-bin%3A23716057011%2Cp_36%3A-120000&rnid=2421885011&s=pc&sprefix=asus+g14%2Celectronics%2C129&sr=1-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFNSVQ5UklFNDNaOEomZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA2NDg0MDcxRkZXTkxOVFdMWDFGJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA1MzYzMzUyNENaTEo2RFlHVUFOJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
  3. Yeah the ram may be overkill. Was only $100 more on that Newegg so I figured why not. I don't want her to have to upgrade for a while, so I rather go bit overboard. The whole Yoga 360 thing just seems like a week point for me. She has an iPad she used for string classes with Garage Band. I think that is all the touchscreen she needs, I might go for one of the Asus systems, but my wife had an Asus laptop before and I know she didnt like it. I can just hear her say "No Asus!" And I know she doesn't want a Mac. She only used the iPad for music stuff, but doesn't like Apple stuff past that. Wives will be wives... I do like the Legion 5 Laptops, but they seem very "gamer" if that makes sense? Looked heavy too. However, I do think she would get into an RGB keyboard if she tried it. You think something like this one? https://www.amazon.com/Lenovo-Legion-NVIDIA-G-SYNC-7-5800H/dp/B09JGQXC4H/ref=pd_lpo_2?pd_rd_i=B09JGQXC4H&psc=1 I was thinking of a USB C doc and some Dell office monitors like these: https://deals.dell.com/en-us/productdetail/cont Looking at $2500 for the whole project. Maybe $3000 on the higher end. Thanks again for your incite!
  4. Thanks for the recommendation. I looked at the Yoga a little, but I am not sold on its durability, And my wife isn't really that interested in touchscreens. The Acer is a maybe, but I am just not sure on that one. I never been a big fan of their laptops. I do love Thinkpads! Been thinking of a Thinkbook like this one here https://www.newegg.com/p/36B-000D-009T7. The Ryzen 7 5700U should have plenty of power for the future. I hopped it up to 40Gb of ram. Then get a few decent dell monitors and a dock. Whats your thought on that?
  5. Hello, I am looking to get my wife a laptop for our business. We run a childcare/preschool/music school learning center that she does everything out of a first gen i3 PC we built about 10 years ago. I think it is time for an upgrade, and I want something she can use mobile. Really need something that withstand the elements (Childcare can be bit rough sometimes). We will also take it with us on the road when we RV over the summer so she can work on the road if needed. So it needs to battle born ready. Software, she runs Quickbooks,office and Google doc type work mostly. But would like to see her get into a little more video editing and graphic work with it too. (Maybe a little gaming when she takes it home, shhhhh) Would like to get two good work monitors and a dock so she can have the expanded view in her office. So, looking to spend around $2500-$3000. Thanks for your help. You guys are all great! Looking forward to your recommendations!
  6. Thanks everyone for your help! I ended up ordering the dream machine, and should be here in the next few days. Still need to get the APs. Any advice on which ones you would get? Think two of the UAP-AC-PROs should round out the network map. or, do you think it would be worth it to go with The WiFi 6 models? And we have a business class cable connection coming in. 200 down and I don't really remember how much up.
  7. Thanks for the advice. I appreciate you helping with this! I was a little skeptical of this, but read up a little more and feel a little better about it. I do like how I will get the router and an access point in one package. I am having a hard time seeing how this is any different than a WiFi router I would buy for my house. From what I read, the Unify/OS if the determining factor? What would you say makes that so great?
  8. You mean the little device that looks like a Google speaker? https://store.ui.com/collections/unifi-network-unifi-os-consoles/products/unifi-dream-machine I like that price a little better. Especially since it is an access point too. I am not reading anything if those Ethernet ports are PoE?
  9. As in Unify, you mean the Ubiquity Dream Machine Pro? https://store.ui.com/collections/unifi-network-unifi-os-consoles/products/udm-pro That looks fancy! What would be the difference in that than say this Ubiquity Edge router? https://www.newegg.com/p/N82E16833664050
  10. Thanks for the reply! I agree. Probably just kicking the ball down the road getting another WiFi router. I think we would need to have 3 APs and a router if I went that route. We would like to keep it under $1,000 if possible.
  11. Hello LTT, Love the channel, we are big fans! My wife and I run a small learning center in Ohio. Well, it was small at one time. In the beginning we had a small 2,000 square foot building with 2 desktop computers. I ran the whole network off an Asus RT-N66U. We grew and then moved to a larger 7,000 square foot building. We added a few more PCs in the new building. I kept the same RT-N66 in the new building and added a 10 port switch so they were all on the wired network. WiFi was only used for phones. Thought it was a little jank, but we had network coverage all over the building and figured we could always move up later. Today, we have grown even more. Have over 10 employees. Offer everything from daycare, preschool, tutoring to string instrument instruction for all ages. Tech wise, we have 5 PCs and a printer on the wired network. Then 4 laptops, up to 5-10 tablets and many more phones all on the RT-N66U. Also, since Covid happen we are now doing some kindergarten and first grade classes remote schooling. So, all those kids have iPads to Zoom with teachers. That means even more wireless devices, and I am already getting calls to tell teachers to restart the router a few times a week. So it is time for an upgrade. My questions are: Should I get another more powerful WiFi router? Should I get a PoE wired router with access points? What should I buy? I am a little reluctant do set up an enterprise level network. I know things, but I am far from a network engineer. I have a day job and not sure I have time to admin the network constantly. So any advice you all can give, would be much appreciated it! Thanks for reading!
  12. Thanks PorkishPig! I will think about the Latitudes. I have always had the opposite problem where every Dell Latitude I have had I had some problems with, but maybe it is time to give one a shot again? Mainly want something that is easy to work on, or easy by laptop standards. We have one i5 Lenovo Carbon in the school. It has been good to us so far, but could have just got a good one there.
  13. Hello, Shot an email over to you through your site, but thought I would post the question here too and maybe get a community opinion of the problem. Love the channel and would really appreciate any advice you could give on this. My wife and I own a small learning center. We provide preschool, daycare, tutoring and even string instrument & piano lessons. With all the new Covid pandemic rules, we had to cut our classrooms in half to keep social distancing standards. The teachers still need to make learning materials for the kids, and we do not want multiple classrooms sharing a computer. So we need to buy some laptops. We have a budget of $2,000 ($400 each) to buy 5 laptops. Might not sound like a lot, but for a small business like ours in times like this, it can be a big decision we want to get right. We could do Chromebooks, but I think we should have something Windows based for ease of use (Teachers are used to Windows) and compatibility with our learning software suites. Looking for something good for Office like productivity and video streaming mostly. Maybe some light image editing. I keep going back to a refurbished 3rd or 4th gen i5 Thinkpad with a SSD? Mostly due to the toughness of the Thinkpads and easy to work on but really open to any opinions you all might have. I know you all are great of finding the best performance for the dollar and would love to see what you would buy. Anyway, mostly this is an excuse to let you all know we love the channel here and thanks for making the videos! Thanks again!