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  1. Oh how I wish these phones functioned in the US cellular network. Overall thank you so much for your reply, As i said an sd card reader and headphone jack would be nice but are in no way required. The Sony Xperia 1 III looks really nice and while i'd still feel like i'm paying several hundred dollars for a feature i don't need (cameras) I may just have to suck it up and deal with the fact that no matter what I buy it will be some instagram fueled photographer BS that made the phone 30% more expensive than anything I actually needed.
  2. My big issue with Apple is they recently got slammed with a class action lawsuit for sending out updates to cripple older phones that worked perfectly well. On top of being incredibly anti right to repair. You make good points about it ticking all the boxes but it's still insanely camera focused and makes me fear that they'd just brick the phone via update in 3 years.
  3. I've tried searching to see if i could find an answer myself but due to how fast the phone market changes I couldn't find anything recent. I have a Galaxy s8 and i love it but it's charging port is broken, and now the micro SD card reader broke too so i lost all my photos. I've been charging it on wireless charging to keep it afloat for years as the old soldier is 5 years old now. I'm looking for a replacement with a few things ideally. Budget :800-1200 dollars. Would like it to work with a US Verizon carrier. Would prefer if it had wireless charging as a back up, SD card reader and a headphone jack would be nice but not required. I would like something that has a decent top of the line processor and ram. Doesn't have to be the latest and greatest but something good that will last be another preferably 5-6 years. Good sound would be a massive plus High refresh rate displays would also be a massive plus I do not give a single care to the cameras. I'm not a photographer. It's annoying that the reason I feel I even need help picking a phone is because every single phone maker seems to think that everyone and their mother is a professional instagramer. I'd prefer the phone to not have a holepunch or notch. Though i guess I'd have to suck it up and deal with an ugly hole in full screen views with nearly any modern phone. I'd just really like it if anyone could point me to a well spec'ed phone that works on US verizon that isn't expensive just because it's got 4+ cameras. Feels bad to think that I'm just buying a camera and not a Phone.
  4. I have an Arris router but i'm not entirely sure which model number it is and i'll have to figure that out and see if there is a way to actually access it (family is sleeping so avoiding a lot of noise for tonight) I suppose since there's only 4 options i could just try each too.
  5. I've been a big fan of LTT for years now but never joined the forums until now cause i've kept things pretty simple. But i've herd Linus say time and time again join the forum to ask questions, as there many tech literate people here able to help. So the real basic bones of my problem is that I have a router provided by my ISP and they have set it up so it's completely inaccessible by putting in my IP address into a url on any system in my home. This had made it so i can not set up port forwarding for say, minecraft server hosting, as an easy example. I've never bought a router or modem before and am not entirely sure what to buy or how to set it up in my home but the goal is for the normal router to stay as is and be the wifi access point of the house while i have a 2nd one that i can hard wire to and set up port forwarding and such. I don't know much on the hardware of this. What i do know is i had a friend who works for IBM as well as two other friends who are in computer science all try to access the ISP provided router and all fail cause it is totally locked out, inaccessable. Any help would be greatly appreciated as well as advice and i will try to be very quick to reply back to any questions if i need to provide more information.