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  1. imagine linus put this in his intro (dont yoink from me) dame_ltt.mov (NON FILE VERSION) https://imgur.com/gallery/zmmQ4e5
  2. Ive had this issue on a old pc from like 2011 but i dont know how to fix it,
  3. Didnt work, im just trying to get it out and putting it back in so i know how to take it out and put it back in, it just wouldnt move up or push in
  4. I tried looking but found nothing, if you want all the videos of me tryin to find it add me on discord: Krystofer P.#6300
  5. Thank you but how would i take my gt 1030 out if it dies or something? Theres no lever or anything do i slide it out or something?
  6. 1 gb ram and literally potato pc. i want to be in rog rig reboot so baddddddddd i will show photos later also running 32 bit on a x64 based proccessor and idk why but i think it has the oldest motherboard of all time. also has 2 sticks of ddr2 i believe and only show up 1 gb anyone got any pc's for under 300 or 500 i can actually game with? (runs on a athlon x64 motherboard) :/