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  1. I have it in destiny 2 and in modern warfares warzone and i don´t even have that much cpu usage. I just don´t really know why. I mean i think my rig should be able too put out 100fps+ in 1440p (i have an ryzen 7 2700x with an rtx 2080). But i still drop to 60 fps or lower : /
  2. Ok the wierd thing is for me Lowering graphics settings doesn't really change my fps at all. It only lowers my gpu usage in most cases/games
  3. dety0 and CutTweeks claim to be able to increse your fps via a couple of software changes My question is What do they do exactly and does it help or is it just a big scam? links to both of they´r twitter https://twitter.com/Dety0 https://twitter.com/CutTweaks
  4. I mostly play destiny 2 and sometimes other shooters like the new modern warfare and stuff. cpu/gpu usage depends on the situation cpu is mostly about 50% and gpu between 65% and 100%
  5. well it often doesn´t really matter which settings i use. I just get almost the exact same frames in most games.
  6. My rig Ryzen 7 2700x 32gb 3200mhz ddr4 ram rtx 2080 ventur i play on 2560x1440 at 144hz and i was wondering what and how severe my bottleneck is i really thought i would get stable 144fps in games which is not happening in modern AAA games.