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  1. He still owns the company. I assume he's chairman of the board, and CEOs serve at the pleasure of the board. It's also his opinion they're publishing when he hosts videos reviewing Framework or its competitors (and possibly his opinion even when he's not the host).
  2. Seemed to me more like he went out of his way to bash a couple of sites without really knowing what he was talking about, but perhaps I should give him the benefit of the doubt.
  3. No mention of why the LMG Labs guy (no idea what his name is) felt the need to take pot shots at Gamers Nexus and other journalism sites in the LMG video that started this whole thing?
  4. The only time I've ever seen behavior like this it's been RAM timing, bad RAM, or bad cache (back when cache was on the MB). I suggest you try: - Turning down the timing on your RAM a little (and then a lot). If this is the issue it would explain why swapping out single modules doesn't fix anything. - Getting MemTest to run and do its thing. Though, as you said, the chances of both sticks having an issue are slim, they are still non-zero. - Trying a CPU stress test tool to test CPU cache and other functionality. I think AIDA64 has something like this. TS
  5. Apparently creators using Vimeo to serve up video content (mostly in tandem with Patreon it looks like?) who were usually paying around $200 a year are suddenly getting bills for $2,000-$3,000 in bandwidth fees that they must pay if they want to remain on the platform. I'm not familiar with Vimeo, but I guess a lot of people like it because it has a lot of things that YouTube doesn't, like being able to protect your video from getting embedded elsewhere. First things I thought were, "what a terrible way for a company to treat its customers," and "I wonder if Floatplane would be a viable alternative for these Vimeo folks."
  6. Thank you, everyone, for your advice and insights! I still have a bit to think about, but you were all a big help!
  7. So at the moment I have a Core i7-4771 CPU that's getting a little long in the tooth, and I recently set aside some money to upgrade to an AMD 3950x. I do a lot of AI work on my computer, as well as 3D rendering, so the increased number of cores, AMD's price points, and performance reviews convinced me that it's the right time to switch back over from Intel. I was going to head into the shop today to get the new parts, but this morning I saw a story on AMD's new 4000 series that everyone thinks will be dropping around the end of summer. I cannot find a whole lot of information beyond that, like whether the new series should be around the same price points, and whether they will represent a significant increase in performance over the current series. I am kind of waffling between just buying the 3950x like I was going to, maybe buying a 3900x or 3800x to save some money and making sure to get an X570 motherboard so I can grab a 4000 series later, and just waiting for the 4000 series to drop and hoping the performance increase comes in around the same price point and is worth the wait. Can anyone who has been following this closer than I have chime in with your take on this, or any additional information that might be useful in deciding?