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  1. Fortnite really are desperate to get plays on their game huh.
  2. Ah okay, did not know regarding pricing. I don’t think i’m getting a system anytime soon, so I will just wait for the new GPUs. I’ve just been looking at the options for when I do get a pc.
  3. I’ve considered Intel but the value of going AMD is better for me, where I am, an Intel i5 10600K costs as much as a ryzen 7 3700X. Thanks for the the recommendation though.
  4. Either 1080p 240hz or 1440p 144hz depending on which monitor I end up getting.
  5. Will a ryzen 5 3600 bottleneck a 2080 super? been looking around at some benchmarks and it seems like it doesn't, since i’m targeting mostly gaming the 3700X’s extra cores aren’t necessary for me.
  6. I'm just looking at current options. Its also unlikely when Ampere and big Navi are around, that they'll be available where I am without over inflated pricing due to taxes and the retailers markups on price. Not likely to be building a system soon anyways due to covid. Just wondering and speccing out some parts lists.
  7. Do the RDNA GPUs still have driver issues? Or are they resolved now?
  8. Thanks for your thoughts, monitors aren’t cheap and returning one if I don’t like it isn’t an option so i’m trying to make a good decision.
  9. Debating on which size to go for, worried if i go for a 1080p 27” monitor it’ll be too low PPI. 1440p is out of the question. I just want some opinions on it. I’m coming from a 27” 1440p screen on an iMac. Thats why i’m worried about pixel density on 27”. Would like to know your thoughts!
  10. Ok. I saw some reviews around june-august saying good latency, then others in september reporting very poor unbearable latency. Perhaps they just haven’t updated firmware?
  11. I'm reading alot of mixed reviews regarding the latency of these headphones, some reporting horrible latency and others reporting very adequate latency for watching video content. All these reviews seem to have random dates and no clear indication that the good latency came after a firmware update or something of the sort. I would just like to know whether the latency is an issue at random or a way to guarantee that I get good latency (firmware update or something of the sort). They're on a very good deal right now where I am. I most likely will pick them up if they have good latency.
  12. No exact model in mind, just looking for the best priced kit for either 3000/3200/3600 speed ram.
  13. Don't have a system yet, just wondering at what its comprable too
  14. The title is self-explanatory, just wanna know what the ryzen 3400g’s integrated graphics are capable of and what would be a comparable graphics card. Yes i’m aware that getting a 1600 with an RX 570 will give me much better fps, but I would just like to know what the 3400g’s rough graphical performance is. Thanks