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  • CPU
    Ryzen 3600
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  • Case
    Dark Flash DLM Luxury M-ATX
  • Storage
    2TB M.2 Intel
  • Keyboard
    Ducky (thanks luke)
  • Mouse
    Razor Abysus Essential
  • Sound
    Boes AE2

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  1. The rear GPU thing I knew, thanks! The power plug thing.... I think I mixed that one up, thanks for the correction. I don't mind more vents on the rear panel or the bottom. I don't think there is space on the back face there unless I make the case bigger (I hate how empty some computer cases are ngl, personal pet peeve) or remove the fan, both are undesirable.... I have heard other PSU form factors are very loud which I hate, they are also very expensive if I recall... Have any recommendations for alternate PSU arrangements or hidden vent strategies? I might consider being a savage and just rotating it 90 deg and having the fan directions make no sense DX
  2. Sorry it took me so long to get back to this thread. I got pretty side tracked. Ya, I'v heard this from every wood worker on the planet, I made a test run corner and then tried to rip it apart, it did not break at all (i'm not a small person). It is standard 3/4 inch thick wood. I still think you guys know what you're talking about though. I'm going to have a cabinet maker fabricate it and talk with them about how to add support for this joint, but it is kinda low on my list since the test corner could support over 200 lb of force. (imaged wood is Ash wood? I forget) I was testing finishes, sanding, getting dust out of the end grains on the corner, and saw blades. lol fair. The laminated bamboo is really just for modernity of it since it matches the vibe of computers, I considered Cherry and I might end up doing that but idk. I think Bamboo is more thematic for new things like computers. Yaaaa, I want to make this something that can be upgraded with out tearing the poor thing apart. if you put that much time and $ into something it'd be nice if it was around longer than 5 years. There are these goofy plastic grid IO shields where you can use wire clippers to cut out the space you need for your ports, it is not pretty... so I still want a better solution. that is a pretty good point. I really wanted a tiny computer case so that was the best place I could put it to make it compact.... but maybe I should put something in-font of it like a hard drive cage or some little wood decoration to hide it. The rear fan is 120 and the bottom is a 140 If I recall I originally was going with a 200mm but nactua says the 140 does the same flow rate of 140.2m^3/hr. Not going to lie the air flow currently is a sacrifice on air flow for sure, maybe not up there with apple but it is pushing it if you put peak performance stuff in it. Not going to lie thats pretty awesome! I think it's a very pretty case. It is a shame there are no full wood computer cases, though given the head ache i've had designing mine I can't say I'm surprised. Thanks for your input!
  3. Just raw aesthetics. I wanted every surface you could typically see to be simple minimalistic and free of vents. I'm a mechanical engineer so heat dissipation is in my wheel house, it should be fine and if it's not I will figure out a way to add more vent area to the bottom and back surfaces. But ya. I did some measurements on the feet and geometry with the fuzziest of carpets and the feet are pretty stupidly tall (compared to normal cases) so it will not suffocate.
  4. These are some renderings of a case I am designing it is almost out of cad. I have been doing some fabrication test runs for critical features. It is modern, minimalist and made almost entirely of wood (probably going with Bamboo lumber). I simulated a 4090 and the hottest CPU I could find and it just barely can handle it, in an 80F room. (Not that i'd put those in it, I'v just got a Ryzen 3600 & RTX 3070). I'll have to run an actual flow sim not just do the ideal heat transfer but i'm really trying to keep the fans just to the bottom and the back to keep the minimalist and simple aesthetic. I also want to redesign the fan greats. They are being made on a CNC router anyways so anything that can be cut out with say a 1/8 inch radius ball end mill is possible (Input welcome). I think it will be pretty easy to add Hard drive and SSD mounts, but they are hardly required these days with m.2 storage so cheep OH. I still need to figure out if i'll be doing a glass or solid wood side panel. The side panel will be magnetically attached, no hinges and a curved 2 inch handle hole on the front seam to get into it. or a simple small fabric tab if I go for the glass. Not sure which I will go for. I think the manufacturing cost will be about $400 ($300 material, $100 labor) maybe more if I do the glass (I haven't found a glass manufacturer or vendor yet. But i'v talked with a local wood craftsman about making it sounds like the labor will be about $100 (Still way cheeper than buying all the required tools myself) I also need to figure out what the heck I am doing with the rear panel IO shield. It is kinda a tough situation, they are built to clip into sheet metal and the thick wood does not lend itself to that. I could machine down a thin lip to emulate the sheet metal but not 100% sure it will work. I can't seem to find a blank IO shield online to test this idea out on. Any help on the IO shield would be great! I think I have the PCIE slots figured out even though they are not modeled here yet. For the cable management I am planning to make a few stand off poles with 1/8inch bamboo plate on them to hide and route the cables under. So, tell me what you think? Please read the above thoroughly before asking (what about this feature) any additions or solutions to existing problems come to mind? Alot of time has gone into this and I really want it to be a beautiful professional product (honestly 1/2 thought about commercializing it but its kinda expensive af lol). Thanks for your help! Bamboo Lumber Texture Reference:
  5. Hey, I'm curious about your thoughts on GPU coolers? I don't know about you guys, but my GPU is the loudest fan in my system, Iv been toying with replacing it with one of these: https://www.arctic.ac/us_en/accelero-mono-plus.html https://www.arctic.ac/us_en/accelero-l2-plus.html I have a 1650 SUPER 4 GB https://www.newegg.com/gigabyte-geforce-gtx-1650-super-gv-n165soc-4gd/p/N82E16814932232?Description=GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER 4 GB&cm_re=GeForce_GTX_1650_SUPER_4_GB-_-14-932-232-_-Product&quicklink=true Iv done some reading and I'm curious about the typical compatibility checks and reliability of the seemingly janky VRM Cooling solutions. Feel free to reply about cool alternative coolers, DIY cooler mounts, and personal tails of VRM's exploding?