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Everything posted by Kreledor

  1. I could've sworn I had it opened up, maybe a bios update locked it back down or like you said maybe XTU, I haven't ran benchmarks in a good 6 months so either is possible, I'll have to check it out tmrw I'd completely forgotten that was a thing
  2. yeah, I'm benchmarking now to see if everything's still running like it used to.
  3. I kind of assumed that, that's why I wasn't too bothered by that part I can't find anything saying they're getting too hot or throttling, it's running on a maximus xi extreme so full overkill as far as air cooling vrm's goes haha. sure do I usually underclock to 4.5 or 4.6 for day to day use, had it at 1.4V inadvertently from editing settings after opening the profile, but I figured it was a good spotting point cause the power limit throttling was coming on and that'd take voltage being too low well and truly out of the equation. think I'll stick with my gear unless something catastrophic happens never even heard of HWiNFO cheers it looks pretty decent, I usually clock from bios but was lazy and only messing around which is why I was using intel >.<
  4. I've had some very interesting issues tonight (the upside down land) decided to mess around with a bit of clocking just cause reasons. I've never had such an issue before, I got lucky with the lottery and got a 9900 that can hold a 5.1 clock in benchmarks and haven't had any issues but tonight, I was underclocking a bit as well as running up to the 5.0GHz profile I have saved, I feel I may have broken something? i'll get a blip on the power limit throttling coming on and the cpu locks down to 3.6GHz for a few minutes and intel ETU (I know it's not the most amazing software for cpu clocking) says it's locking down to -3.6GHz constantly going forwards. contrary to HW monitor saying it's still running at the clock I set, not so worried about intel not reading the clock properly. More worried about the power limit turning on and off, running at 1.4v on a 4.5GHz underclock? seems a bit odd Note the thermal throttling and other throttles aren't changing at all. Note this isn't idle temps etc. this is running a roughly 50% load
  5. seems to have worked so far! usually would have done it by now, thankyou very much!
  6. updated from site just then, don't think it's a newer version though, will see if anything changes.
  7. Using ROG armoury, I have aura installed but I don't use it, I don't have any lighting apps like that open on launch, I open armoury after i'm up and running (lights still defaults to armoury's sync on boot)
  8. Hi there, Recently my maximus XI extreme has started having power issues but only for the LED's and my headphones? at random intervals all the LED fans and my headphones will shut off, the board lights are still on, PSU (thor) and trident RAM lights stay on it's just the fans and headphones shut off, watching task manager when it happens the background process "LightingServices (32bit)" suddenly spikes it's power usage from very low to very high and then returns once the lights come back on. thinking possibly a faulty rgb in 1 of the fans is causing it, but doesn't explain why headphones are cutting out. also sort of confused as to why it's got "lighting services 32bit" when i'm obviously on 64 bit. any thoughts or help is appreciated!
  9. Hi there, was looking for some possible troubleshooting anyone with hammerheads have found to help besides the razer troubleshooting for a missbehaving earpiece before I send it back for repairs. after a few weeks the right ear piece decided it wouldn't connect, left works fine but right won't turn on, won't pair, won't charge nothing. case has a red light when first connecting cable with both or just right piece in (don't think it's a case issues) but will eventually go green and stay green until cable is removed and put in again and it'll start the cycle again. any help is appreciated!